"A Book of Our Love"
By The Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
- Question 01 -
"What is the secret in the fear of God"
Question & Answer Cycle 01
"Initial Answer 01"
By:  Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Rick Hacket)
(Click HERE to read "Initial Answer 01")
"Response 01"
By:  Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)

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Go To:  Introduction - to "Question & Answer Cycle 01", for Question 01
Go To:  Question 01 - its source and context ..................................(in process)
Go To:  Initial Answer 01 - by Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, to Question 01
Go To:  Response 01 - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, to "Initial Answer 01"
              "Brief Outline" ------------- (for Page 5 Only)
              "Longer Outline" ------------- (for Page 5 Only)
               Text of "Response 01" ------------- (for Page 5 Only)
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TOC - "A Book of Our Love"          Question 03         Question 01: Other Answers
TOC - Question 01                       Question 02         Question 01: Other Responses
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Introduction - to Question & Answer Cycle 01

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Outline of "Response 01" -------------- (for Page 5 Only)
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"Brief Outline" - of "Response 01"

Introduction - to "Question & Answer Cycle 01", for Question 01

21. Living In Remembrance of Allah - is what God, and God alone does within us, not something that we do, or can even comprehend doing, while we are still living in our current state, in our current "selfish life" of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, living as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is "Just not True",

21-a.  Initial Answer 1-21 - You say, "When one lives in remembrance of Allah, when
          the breath of the remembrance of al-Haqq is taken within, the illusions of "I am
          great" are burned away"
21-b.  Response 1-21 - In truth, "Your work is to know His work within you, and His
          work within you is all work within you, not your work, or the work of any of the
          Creation of God within you, for in truth, your role, and their role, is "No role",
          including the "Remembrance of Allah" within you

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Additional Responses - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

22. Becoming the Witness of God - not the "witness of you" on the "outside" of you, as you are currently doing, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice of becoming the Witness of "What God is doing" with what is "Within God" within us, or not, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, is your Choice, not God's, that is, the Witness of the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you
23.  The Suffering of The Grave & Qiyamah Within You - will become your fate if you fail to join in partnership with God within you to raise the 5 elemental spirits within you to a good state within you, before you die to the flesh in your current state, returning them to the state of the 5 Angels of God within you, which in truth are the first 5 of the 7 levels of wisdom within you
24.  The Three Most Important Questions Within You - are the Questions that your life, which is you soul, and everything within you, which is the "Stuff of God" within God within you, have been created to answer, if you like, but are the same Three Questions that have been incorrectly answered and established within you, that is, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, using the "outside" of you, rather than correctly joining in partnership with God within you to use what God has placed "within Himself" within you for this purpose, that is, the following Three Questions, "Who am I", and "Where am I", and "What is happening" in my life

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25. Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate? - lets ask this question again, an apple seed germinates not because of any influence of the 5 elements, as many of My Children still mistakenly believe, not because of any influence of the earth, fire, water, air, or ether, but rather because of "Awareness", but rather because of an "Expansion of Consciousness", that is, because the apple seed buried within the earth becomes aware that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary to make the apple tree hidden within it, germinate, grow, and come to maturity, and bear fruit within the earth that it is currently buried within
26.  Because Now You Are Ready - because now each and every one of you is ready, ready to both hear and either accept or reject the "Truth of yourself", and the "Truth of God" within you, that in truth you are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and in this way, you are "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and the "truth of God" within you, that God within you is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and in this way, God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and as such "You are All One".

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27. The Journey of "The Nothing" From "The Nothing" - which is the Journey of God from God within us, that is, the Journey of "The Power" to Everything within us, which is "Everything Left Behind" in the last telling of "God's Story" within us, which is Anathi within us, the time of Darkness or "Lack of Understanding" within us, and from Everything to the Essence of Everything, which is Aathi, the time of Light within us, which is the Qutbiyyat of God within us in the "Presence of God" within us, or the Nur Muhammad within us

27-a.  Initial Answer 1-27 - You say, "There is only One and that One is whom we
      call Allah."
27-b. Response 1-27 - In truth, "There is only One, but that One is not only what we
      call Allah, but also everything that we don't call Allah, for all of everything is also
      that One, all of everything in truth is that "One" happening, if we will only let it, if
      we like, for the Choice is ours, not God's, that is, the Choice of whether we let
      "Our Oneness" happen within us, or not, is our Choice, not God's

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28.  God Is Not Without Fear - because He has "us", and He has the Creation of God,  that God has placed within us, so we would join in partnership with God within us, to end all fear, to end all living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separation from" God within us, which is the true source of all fear, and within that, to end all duality with God within God within us, so in the end, at the end of telling and bringing to Completion "God's Story" within God within us, "No Child Will Be Left Behind", that is, nothing will still be "separate from" God within us

28-a.  Initial Answer 1-28 - You say, "He is without fear because He is without
      separation, and He seeks nothing for Himself."
28-b.  Response 1-28 - In truth, "God is not within fear, because He has "us", that is,
      "us" living within and literally through the Creation of God living within us, and this
      is God's fear, but without "Himself", for God has no "Himself", He has "us" and
      the  Creation of God living within us, but no "Himself", for only "we" have "us", and
      "each other", and the Creation of God, and God as "Himself", all as "separate
      from" us", for God is "One", God sees everything as "One", and so must "We", in
      partnership with God within us, if our life is to become truly successful in our
      lifetime.  Amen

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Additional Responses - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

29.  The "Oneness of God and True Man" Within Us - and the Story of this "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and the telling and bringing to Completion of this Story, so in the end, "No Child Is Left Behind", is why we and everything within us, including everything within God within us, is here, in this earth world within us
30.  The Significance And Value For Your Life - of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), of Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), of Qadir-BeeBee (Ral.), and of each of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), is the same as the significance and value of God for your life, for in truth, for your age,
"They are All One"

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                                             - go to "Longer Outline"
31.  God Is Most Certainly Seeking Something - because "We" are, and what "We" are seeking is God within "Us", that is, God within the Creation of God within "Us", and within that, True Man within God within the Creation of God within "Us", in order to allow God within "Us" to tell and bring to Completion the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within "Us", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within "Us", and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within "Us", and in this way, "Our Work" is to "Join Him" in "His Work" within "Us", by letting Him "Make it So" within "Us", as your work is to "Join Us" in "Our Work" within you, by letting "Us" "Make it So" within you.  Amen

31-a.  Initial Answer 31-1 - You say, "God seeks nothing for Himself"
31-b.  Response 31-1 - In truth, "God does seek something, but "Not Selfishly" as
      "we do" in our current state of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, living as if we
      are "separate from", rather than as "One with" within us". In this way, God seeks
      "Selflessly" for the benefit of "us", which in truth is for the benefit of all of the
      Creation of God within us, for in truth "Who we are" is "What is within us", not
      anything that we currently see in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our
      ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us. That is the difference, My dearest
      loving brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen. Ok?

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                                              - go to "Brief Outline"

"Longer Outline" - of "Response 01"
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Introduction - to "Question and Answer Cycle 01", for Question 01

21. Living In Remembrance of Allah - is what God, and God alone does within us, not something that we do, or can even comprehend doing, while we are still living in our current state, in our current "selfish life" of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, living as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is "Just not True", and is only something that can occur within us, when we have correctly convinced God within us, that is, as "One with" God within us, to "Take up Residence" within us, that is within our very own heart, that is, within the handful of purified earth that God has lovingly and ever so patiently placed within us, in partnership with the earth within us, and realizing, understanding, and accepting this as the "Truth of us", and of "God within us", we have joined with our awakened wisdom, and our liberated soul, to find and merge with God within us, with our soul disappearing into the Light of our wisdom, and with "Us" disappearing into True Prayer within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us. Amen

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21.  Living In Remembrance of Allah (continued)

21-a. Initial Answer 1-21 - You say, "When one lives in remembrance of Allah, when
     the breath of the remembrance of al-Haqq is taken within, the illusions of "I am
     great" are burned away"
21-b.  Response 1-21 - In truth, "Your work is to know His work within you, and His
     work within you is all work within you, not your work, or the work of any of the
     Creation of God within you, for in truth, your role, and their role, is "No role",
     including the "Remembrance of Allah". Think of yourself as a movie script, and
     within this move script you have all of these roles to play, as you and many of My
     Children still falsely believe. For example, you have to play the role of the man or
     the women, as the husband or the wife, as the father or mother, as the brother and
     sister of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, as the Child or Son of Bawa
     Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), but all of
     which is "Just not True". Now take out your pen and edit yourself completely out
     of the script, for in truth you have "No role to play", because in truth, "You do not
     exist".  And learn to say, with each breath, with each look, with each word, with
     each taste, with each thought, as our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving
     brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen has learned to do, the following prayer (see Chapter
     25, "Dhikr or Remembrance of God", in the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom"

     (Bawa)  You are Allah.     
     (Bawa)  There is nothing other than You.   
     (Bawa)  Without You there is no other help (for everything living within me),
                 because "I do not Exist".
     (Bawa)  You are within me.  Be inside my heart.
     (Bawa)  Do not be separated from me. 

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Additional Responses - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

22. Becoming the Witness of God Within You - not the "witness of you" on the "outside" of you, as you are currently doing, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice of becoming the Witness of "What God is doing" with what is "Within God" within us, or not, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, is your Choice, not God's, that is, the Witness of the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you

23. The Suffering of The Grave & Qiyamah Within You - will become your fate if you fail to do this, that is, if you fail to join in partnership with God within you in the correct way, and properly come together in "Our Name" on the "outside" of you, so "We can be there" within you, in order to raise the 5 elemental spirits within you to a good state within you, before you die to the flesh in your current state, that is, returning them to the state of the 5 Angels of God within you, which in truth are the first 5 of the 7 levels of wisdom within you, that is, feeling, awareness, intellect, estimate or judgment, and subtle wisdom, allowing them to again become "One" within you, as they were within Adam (peace be upon Him) within you, before the "spit of satan" and His subsequent "fall from grace" within you, in this way, revealing the 6th level of wisdom within you, the wisdom of the Qutbiyyat of God within you within you

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24.  The Three Most Important Questions Within You - are the Questions that your life, which is you soul, and everything within you, which is the "Stuff of God" within God within you, have been created to answer, if you like, but are the same Three Questions that have been incorrectly answered and established within you, that is, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, using the "outside" of
you, rather than correctly joining in partnership with God within you to use what God has placed "within Himself" within you for this purpose, like His 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God, and His Holy Trinity or Triple Flame, and the "Sound of God", all of which is within "Your Bank" within God within you, which God has prepared within Himself within you in order to answer these Three Questions, that is, to correctly answer the Three Most Important Question Within You, all of which will correctly define you as "One with" within you, rather than as "separate from", but which you have incorrectly answered and established on the "outside" of you, all of which now falsely defines you on the "outside" of you, as "separate from", that is, a set of false answers that are now  leading you to hell within you, to an eternal hell of "separation from" God within you, that is, a set of false answers to the following Three Questions, "Who am I", and "Where am I", and "What is happening" in my life

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25.  Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate? - lets ask this question again, an apple seed germinates not because of any influence of the 5 elements, as many of My Children still mistakenly believe, not because of any influence of the earth, fire, water, air, or ether, but rather because of "Awareness", but rather because of an "Expansion of Consciousness", that is, because the apple seed buried within the earth becomes aware that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary to make the apple tree hidden within it, germinate, grow, and come to maturity, and bear fruit within the earth that it is currently buried within

26.  Because Now You Are Ready - because now each and every one of you is ready, ready to both hear and either accept or reject the "Truth of yourself", and the "Truth of God" within you, that in truth you are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and in this way, you are "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and the "truth of God" within you, that God within you is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and in this way, God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and as such "Your are All One".  That is, the Creation of God within you, the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, God within you, and True Man within God within you, and "you" as the Witness, are "All One", whether you know it or not, and even whether you like or want it or not, because this your true heritage, your true birthright, the true destiny of your soul, for your age, because God has "Made it So" for your age, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's.  What more can God do, the rest is truly up to you, for the "Justice of God" that God has placed within us, dictates the following, that is,

     "Whatever you intend is what you will receive"

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27.  The Journey of the Nothing - from Nothing to Everything, and from Everything to the Essence of Everything, which is the Qutbiyyat of God, the Hub of Creation, or the understanding of Everything within us, the 6th level of wisdom within us, the wisdom surrounding our soul, which "steps forward" when need within us, and if we like, teaches, analyzes, and controls all of the Creation of God within us. And in this way, if we like, if we join as "One with" it against the "Enemy of our soul", liberating the soul and meeting the Essence of God within us, and becomes the Dhat, the Sirr, and the Safat within us, which is the 7th level of wisdom within the 6th level of wisdom, within the first 5 levels of wisdom within us, which is the "Secret World of Allah" within us, and from the Essence of God, which is the understanding of the Nothing, to the Power within the Essence of Everything, or True Prayer, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is", and in this way, meeting the Truth, and from the Truth to True Man within God within the Creation of God within us, Witnessing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within God within True Man within the Creation of True Man, as the understanding of "The Nothing" within the understanding of "The Everything" within the Nothing, allowing God to "Pull us Back Into Himself", from which we have come, as the Nothing returning to the Nothing, but this time with the "Understanding of the Nothing", so it will never leave us again, peacefully and lovingly sharing this understanding with God for eternity

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27.  The Journey of the Nothing (Continued)

27-aInitial Answer 1-27 - You say, "There is only One and that One is whom we
     call Allah."
27-b.  Response 1-27 - In truth, "There is only One, but that One is not only what we
     call Allah, but also everything that we don't call Allah, for all of everything is also
     that One, all of everything in truth is that "One" happening, if we will only let it, if
     we like, for the Choice is ours, not God's, that is, the Choice of whether we let
     "Our Oneness" happens within us, or not, is our Choice, not God's, for that
     "Oneness" is our true birthright, our true heritage, the true destiny of our soul, that
     is, is "The True Given of Us" from God within us, but "We" must want it, having
     come to understand it, that is, having come here to this "School of Contrast"
     within us, to understand it through Contrast, for "understanding only occurs
     through contrast", that is, to both experience it, that is, our "separation from" and
     our "Oneness with", and if we like, in partnership with God within us, to
     understand it, and in this way, to transcend it, to transcend what has grown over
     our original birth and life within us, which is the world of souls within us, that is, to
     transcend our current life of "separate from", both within us, and on the "outside"
     of us", if we like, for the Choice is ours, not God's, and "Everything is just waiting"
     for us to willingly and freely, end "ourselves" in this way"

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28.  God Is Not Without Fear - because He has "us", and the Creation of God that God has placed within us, so we would join in partnership with God within us, to end all fear, to end all living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separation from" God within us, which is the source of our fear, and within that, to end all duality with God within God within us, so in the end, at the end of telling and bringing to Completion "God's Story" within God within us, "No Child Will Be Left Behind", nothing will still be "separate from" God within us

28-a. Initial Answer 1-28 - You say, "He is without fear because He is without
     separation, and He seeks nothing for Himself."
28-b.  Response 1-28 - In truth, "God is not within fear, because He has us, that is,
     "us" living within and literally through the Creation of God living within us, and this
     is God's fear, but without Himself, for God has no "Himself", He has "us" and the
     Creation of God living within us, but no "Himself", for only "we" have "us", and
     "each other", and God, and the Creation of God, all as "separate from" us"

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Additional Responses - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

29.  The "Oneness of God and True Man" Within Us - and the Story of this "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and the telling and bringing to Completion this Story, so in the end, "No Child Is Left Behind", is why we and everything within us is here, in this earth world within us
30.  The Significance And Value For Your Life - of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), of Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and of Qadir-BeeBee (Ral.), and of each of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), is the same as the significance and value of God for your life, for in truth, for your age,
"They are All One" within you

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                                              - go to "Text of "Response 01"
31. God Is Most Certainly Seeking Something - and that is God, that is God within the Creation of God within us, and True Man within God within the Creation of God within us, and in this way, in order to tell and bring to Completion the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within us, and our work is to "Join Him" in His work, by letting Him "Make it So" within us. Amen

a.  Initial Answer 31-1 - You say, "God seeks nothing for Himself"
b.  Response 31-1 - In truth, "God does seek something, but "Not Selfishly" as "we
     do" in our current state of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, living as if we are
     "separate from", rather than as "One with" within us".  In this way, God seeks
     "Selflessly" for the benefit of "us", which in truth is for the benefit of all of the
     Creation of God within us, for in truth "Who we are" is "What is within us", not
     anything that we currently see in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our
     ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.  That is the difference, My dearest
     loving brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen. Ok?

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Text of "Response 01"

                                             - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
21. Living In Remembrance of Allah - is what God, and God alone does within us, not something that we do, or can even comprehend doing, while we are still living in our current state, in our current "selfish life" of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, living as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is "Just not True", and is only something that can occur within us, when we have correctly convinced God within us, that is, as "One with" God within us, to "Take up Residence" within us, that is within our very own heart, that is, within the handful of purified earth that God has lovingly and ever so patiently placed within us, in partnership with the earth within us, and realizing, understanding, and accepting this as the "Truth of us", and of "God within us", we have joined with our awakened wisdom, and our liberated soul, to find and merge with God within us, with our soul disappearing into the Light of our wisdom, and with "Us" disappearing into True Prayer within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us. Amen

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
a. Initial Answer 1-20 - You say, "When one lives in remembrance of Allah, when the breath of the remembrance of al-Haqq is taken within, the illusions of "I am great" are burned away"
"There is, however, a secret to this snake as well, My children, for when one lives in remembrance of Allah, when the breath of the remembrance of al-Haqq is taken within, the illusions born of "I am great" are burned away, and the snake of poisonous illusion becomes the King Cobra, whose poison becomes the most precious Gem in the Universes, the Jeweled Light of Nur-Allah, which is the Jeweled Light of Maha Gnanam."

"This is the transformation of what appears separate into what is One without separation; it is the completion of the return of Allah's Sirr into its Original Station of Radiant Luminous Wisdom, Nur Muhammad. Then the King Cobra's body becomes the back of the Throne and its hood becomes Its Canopy, as Nur Muhammad sits upon the Throne and takes His rightful place as King Muhammad."

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
b.  Response 1-21 - In truth, "Your work is to know His work within you, and His
work within you is all work within you, not your work, or the work of any of the
Creation of God within you, for in truth, your role, and their role, is "No role",
including the "Remembrance of Allah". Think of yourself as a movie script, and
within this move script you have all of these roles to play, as you and many of My
Children still falsely believe. For example, you have to play the role of the man or
the women, as the husband or the wife, as the father or mother, as the brother and
sister of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, as the Child or Son of Bawa
Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), but all of
which is "Just not True". Now take out your pen and edit yourself completely out
of the script, for in truth you have "No role to play", because in truth, "You do not
exist". And learn to say, with each breath, with each look, with each word, with
each taste, with each thought, as our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving
brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen has learned to do, the following prayer (see Chapter
25, "Dhikr or Remembrance of God", in the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom"

(Bawa) You are Allah.
(Bawa) There is nothing other than You.
(Bawa) Without You there is no other help (for everything living within me),
because "I do not Exist".
(Bawa) You are within me. Be inside my heart.
(Bawa) Do not be separated from me.

Bawa. My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, what you say is not correct, for you have not clearly understood the significance of God within you, and of what God has to do within you, and of what "you" have to do on the "outside" of you, for the remembrance of God to occur within you, all of which can be summarized in the following way.

Bawa. Your work is to know His work within you, and His work within you is all work within you, not the work of any of the Creation of God within you, and this is the difference between what you are saying, and the truth of you, and the truth of God within us, for your role is "No role", including the "Remembrance of Allah" within you"

Bawa.  This is what we meant when we told My Children one day, "In-the-room", which is really the room within your heart, that is, after you have given life to Me within you, and to God within Me, that is, after you have allowed the wisdom surrounding your soul to awaken within you, the following:

"Think of yourself as a movie script, and within this move script your have all of these roles to play (as you and many of My Children still falsely believe. For example, you have to play the role of the man or the women, as the husband or the wife, as the father or mother, as the brother and sister of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, as the Child of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), but all of which is "Just not True"."

     "Now take out your pen and edit yourself completely out of the script, for in truth
     you have "No role to play".

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
Additional Responses - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

22.  Becoming the Witness of God Within You - not the "witness of you" on the "outside" of you, as you are currently doing, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice of becoming the Witness of "What God is doing" with what is "Within God" within us, or not, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, is your Choice, not God's, that is, the Witness of the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you

Bawa. My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, you must realize, without the slightest doubt that you in your current state, that is, you living a life of "separation and differences on the "outside" of you, as if you are "separate from" God within you, have absolutely no role to play in what God is doing within you, if you like, that is, telling and bringing to Completion the "Story" of the "Oneness of God and True Man" that "We" have placed within you, and that "We" will tell and bring to Completion within you, if you will only let us, for in truth you are the "Witness", you are "God's Witness" of the telling and bringing to Completion of this Story within you, if you like, nothing more and nothing less, for in truth you are the "Nothing", that is, the "No-thing" of God, that came from the "No-thing" to Witness and come to understand this "Story", extracting the essence from the Everything, and the "Power or Nothing" from the Essence, and returning to the Power or Nothing from which you have come, sharing this Understanding of Everything, of the Essence, and of the Power, with God for eternity, if you like.

Bawa. For the Choice to do this or not within you, is your Choice, not God's, that is, the Choice to use what God has given to you, has placed within you, in this "selfless way" within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, rather than in your current "selfish" way on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of you, and for some of your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, like your wife, and friends and family, is most certainly your Choice, not God's.

Bawa. In this way, your work, and the work of all of My Children", is to put down your illusory script in the illusory world on the "outside" of us, like husband or wife, son or daughter, and friend, or in your case, as the "Son of the Pen", and to take off your illusory costume, for example, in your case, as Rick Hacket, and even as Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, and walk off the state of "your drama", that you currently see in your ignorance, and in your arrogance about your ignorance as existing on the "outside" of you, all of which is "Just not True", and sit in the audience and watch the play, a play that God has put on for our benefit, not His, that is, to sit on God lap while your wisdom teaches you, "What you do not know", not try and teach and impress other people with what you in your ignorance, and in your arrogance, think that you know, all of which in truth, is "Nothing", if you could only see the truth about what you are saying, and writing. Ok?

Bawa. For in truth the only one sitting in the audience watching the play is God within you, for everyone else is busy acting in the play on the same illusory stage, both within them and on the "outside" of them, watching themselves act in their drama, that is, reading the same illusory script and wearing the same illusory costume as you currently are, My dearest loving little brother, all of which is leading you and all of My dearest loving children to hell, that is, to an eternal hell of "separation from" God within them, if they die in their current state.

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
23.  The Suffering of The Grave & Qiyamah Within You - will become your fate if you fail to do this, that is, if you fail to join in partnership with God within you in the correct way, and properly come together in "Our Name" on the "outside" of you, so "We can be there" within you, in order to raise the 5 elemental spirits within you to a good state within you, before you die to the flesh in your current state, that is, returning them to the state of the 5 Angels of God within you, which in truth are the first 5 of the 7 levels of wisdom within you, that is, feeling, awareness, intellect, estimate or judgment, and subtle wisdom, allowing them to again become "One" within you, as they were within Adam (peace be upon Him) within you, before the "spit of satan" and His subsequent "fall from grace" within you, in this way, revealing the 6th level of wisdom within you, the wisdom of the Qutbiyyat of God within you within you

- go to "Text of Topic 23"
Expanded Summary of Topic 23:

Bawa.  My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, you and your wife, and all of My Children, must become clear on the "true consequences" if you continue in your current direction, ignoring all of "Our" attempts to correct you, and again set your life on the "Straight Path" within you, rather than on your current course of arrogance, karma, illusion, and mind and desire, which in truth is quickly leading you to an eternal hell of "separation from" Us" within you, all of which is absolutely unnecessary, that is, if you will only take what is being shared with you at this time, and with Qadir-BeeBee, and with all of My dearest loving Children, which is everyone living in this age, as truly coming from God within the heart of each one of you, to the Children of God for your age, and not just the ramblings of your brother Louie.

Bawa.  For in truth He is now your "Gift from God" for this age, on the "outside" of you, as "We" are within each of you, and He is how each of you can truly cross over this bridge between the world of souls within you, and the hereafter or akhirah within you, as He has, if you like, that is, before you die to the flesh in your current state and get an eternal life as "separate from" Us as your eternal reward. 

Bawa.  It is just this simple, because God has "Make it So" within each of you for this age, and now on the "outside" of you for this age, and "Our Coming" into the world at this time was to establish this Truth both within each of you, and now on the "outside" of you, so you can make "Your Choice", that is, your Choice between either an eternal life as "One with" God within you, or an eternal life as "separate from" God within you, and in truth there is "No Other Choice". 

Bawa.  Please reflect on this a little, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, My dearest loving sister Qadir-BeeBee, and all of My dearest loving brothers and sisters, because it is very, very important.  This is how you do it, by joining in partnership with "Us" within you, and with our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen on the "outside" of you, to learn how to do this correctly, how to make this transition from "separate from" on the "outside" of you, to "One with" within you, as "We have taught Him to do it", over the last 30 years.

Bawa.  In this way, the Suffering of The Grave & Qiyamah Within You will become your fate if you fail to do this, that is, if you fail to join in partnership with God within you in the correct way, and properly come together in "Our Name" on the "outside" of you, so "We can be there" within you, in order to raise the 5 elemental spirits within you to a good state within you, before you die to the flesh in your current state, that is, returning them to the state of the 5 Angels of God within you, which in truth are the first 5 of the 7 levels of wisdom within you, that is, feeling, awareness, intellect, estimate or judgment, and subtle wisdom, allowing them to again become "One" within you, as they were within Adam (peace be upon Him) within you, before the "spit of satan" and His subsequent "fall from grace" within you, in this way, revealing the 6th level of wisdom within you, the wisdom of the Qutbiyyat of God within you within you.

Bawa.  For if you don't correctly do this, then an eternal hell of "separation from" God within you, will most certainly become your eternal reward, that is, if you don't correctly join in partnership with God within you, that is, as "One with" Us within you, as well as join together properly on the "outside" of you, that is, in "Our Name", with "Our Intention".

Bawa.  That is, to come together in the Name of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen and His Children (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), with the intention that the true life within you, your soul life, again become "One with" God within you, before you die to the flesh in your current state, so God can continue to tell and bring to Completion His Story within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, so in the end, that "No Child Be Left Behind".

Bawa.  And to do this, or at least to truly start to do this, with each breath, with each look, with each word, with each taste, and with each thought, before you die the flesh in your current state.

Bawa.  For if you fail to do this now, in your age, if you fail to join in partnership with God within you, and with our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen on the "outside" of you, then you will most certainly meet the 5 elemental spirits or ruhanies in the grave, meeting them without access to anything that you have learned through your mind and desire, including what you have learned from "Us" while we were living with you in the world, for without moving what you have learned through your mind and desire into your heart, by turning it into "Heart's Work" within you, and in this way, by joining with "Us" to literally write it on your heart, than what you have learned will not transcend the grave, and will all become like "writing on water", disappearing as soon as it is written, and will not be of any value to you, or to anyone else.

Bawa.  And in this way, if you fail to do this, you will gradually become in the grave a demon, a jinn, a fairy, or a ghost within you, under the influence of the 5 ruhanies that you will meet in the grave within you, roaming the earth world within you until Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within you, until Qiyamah, where you will then take on 105 million rebirths within you as part of your judgment, ending as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness within you, or feeling, and in this way, with you taking on as part of your judgment an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you.

Bawa.  And this is the truth of your life, My dearest loving brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, and the truth about where each of My Children are currently heading, if you and they are not wise, that is, if you and they fail to do what "We" have just told you to do.  Please know this now without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly, for this age is very short, and much work needs to be done, before it is over.

Bawa.  But if you do follow this instruction, exactly as it is given, until your last breath, then an eternal life as "One with" God within you will be your eternal reward.  This is all that is now expected of each of My Children.  For this is "Our Promise" for your age.  This is "Our Guarantee" for your age.  It is truly just this simple.  May all of My Children heed this request before it is too late to do so.  Amen.

- go to "Expanded Summary of Topic 23"
Text of Topic 23:

Bawa. My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, there is something you must become clear upon, and that is what will happen to you if you reject all of these beautiful "Words of God's Grace" for your age, for the Children of God for your age, and continue to hold onto all of "your issues" that prevented from doing this "Heart's Work" within you when "We" were with you in the world.

Bawa.  For example, when you do die to the flesh in your current state, you will have to experience the "suffering of the grave" within you , where you will meet for the first time the 5 elemental spirits within you, that are currently hidden from you within you, and do not die within you when the "outside" of you is over, but will first confront God within you, and then at the direction of God within you, next confront you in the grave, and demand to know why you have stopped feeding them.

Bawa. And when you tell them the reason, which is because "now you are dead", they will set about eating you, with you gradually become "One with" them within the earth world within you, with you gradually becoming a demon, a jinn, a fairy, or a ghost, roaming the earth world within you until Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), with this happening to you, with you gradually become "One with" everything that God has discarded within you, if you die to the flesh in your current state, and this fate coming to you, after you die to the flesh in your current state, because of you, because of what you did or failed to do, not because of anything that God within you has done, or failed to do.

Bawa. That is, because all that "We" have given to you for your age, that is, all of the "Gifts of God" for your age, all of the "Words of God" for your age, for the Children of God for your age, all of the "Life and Teaching of God" for your age, for the Children of God for your age, all of the life and teaching of your dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of you, all of the life and teaching of His Children, of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us).

Bawa.  For example, like this beautiful book by the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, that you are current reading, as well as all of the beautiful Spiritual Letters, Spiritual Chats, and other material in the On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (www.Bawa.homestead.com) that we have given to you, through our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, that you have, or have not read, will be of no value to you, either now or later in the grave, if you die to the flesh in your current state, in your current state of living a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of you, as if you are "separate from" God within you, all of which is "Just not True".

Bawa.  Because if you die to the flesh in your current state none of what you have accumulated in your mind and desire, will be available to you in the grave, because none of it will transcended death within you, because you did not properly join in partnership with "Us" within you, before you died to the flesh, to do this "Heart's Work" within you, that is, with you joining as "One with" Us within you, to read it, listen to it, and to contemplate upon it, and in this way, to write all that "We" have taught you, onto the "Tablet of your Heart", so it and "We" are truly available to you after you die to the flesh, as our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen has truly done.

Bawa. Please know this now, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, without the slightest doubt, and start to act according, please put down all of the "Craziness" of the current "outside" and inside of you, which you have allowed to grown within you in your ignorance, and in your arrogance about your ignorance, and join in partnership with our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, to "Change Ships" within you, before it is too late to make this "Switch" in your life, that is, to "Jump Ship" as these "Two Ships" pass in the "Night of your life" within you, which is "Right Now", at this very moment, don't wait a second.  Ok?

Bawa.  And do it, because of your faith and trust in God within you, not because of "Us" within you, or because of anything on the "outside" of you, and not because of anything that you have done, or failed to do in your life, but because, and only because of the infinite Mercy and Compassion of God within you, because in truth, God within you has "Made it So" within you, if you like. Ok?

Bawa. So the Choice is yours, not Ours, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, for either you do this "Now", and never look back, so God within you, can then do "Everything Else" necessary within you, to "Make it So" within you, both within you and on the "outside" of you, or an eternal hell of "separation from" God within you will become your lot, will become your eternal reward, with you, after you die to the flesh in your current state, roaming the earth world within you as a demon, a jinn, a fairy, or a ghost within you, until Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within you.

Bawa.  Until Qiyamah within you, with you then taking on as part of your judgment 105 million rebirths within you, ending as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness, or feeling. That is, with you taking on as part of your judgment an eternal life as "separate from" God within you, if you like, for the Choice is most certainly yours, not God's. Amen.

Bawa. At least this something to at least think a little bit about, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen. Yes?

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
24.  The Three Most Important Questions Within You - are the Questions that your life, which is you soul, and everything within you, which is the "Stuff of God" within God within you, have been created to answer, if you like, but are the same Three Questions that have been incorrectly answered and established within you, that is, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, using the "outside" of you, rather than correctly joining in partnership with God within you to use what God has placed "within Himself" within you for this purpose, like His 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God, and His Holy Trinity or Triple Flame, and the "Sound of God", all of which is within "Your Bank" within God within you, which God has prepared within Himself within you in order to answer these Three Questions, that is, to correctly answer the Three Most Important Question Within You, all of which will correctly define you as "One with" within you, rather than as "separate from", but which you have incorrectly answered and established on the "outside" of you, all of which now falsely defines you on the "outside" of you, as "separate from", that is, a set of false answers that are now  leading you to hell within you, to an eternal hell of "separation from" God within you, that is, a set of false answers to the following Three Questions, "Who am I", and "Where am I", and "What is happening" in my life

Bawa. In this way, what you need My dearest loving little brother, is more truthful understanding of "Who you are", of "Where you are", and of "What is happening" in your life, that in truth you are "Of God" within you, and of what is "Within God" within you, and of what "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, which is revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you.

Bawa. In this way, you are "Of God" within you, which means that you are "Of God within the Creation of God" within you, and you are "Of True Man within God within the Creation of God" within you, and as such, you are "Of the Creation of God" within you, all of which God has placed within man to tell and bring to Completion the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, if you like, all of which God has placed as an Example on the "outside" of you, as an "outside" Example of what you can most certainly do within you, again if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to see your life within you, as "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and as "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God, or not, and to see all of the Examples on the "outside" of you as such, that is, as pointing to the truth within you, or not, is your Choice, not God's. Amen.

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
25.  Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate? - lets ask this question again, an apple seed germinates not because of any influence of the 5 elements, as many of My Children still mistakenly believe, not because of any influence of the earth, fire, water, air, or ether, but rather because of "Awareness", but rather because of an "Expansion of Consciousness", that is, because the apple seed buried within the earth becomes aware that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary to make the apple tree hidden within it, germinate, grow, and come to maturity, and bear fruit within the earth that it is currently buried within

- go to "Text of Topic 25"
Expanded Summary of Topic 25:

Bawa.  My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, and all of My Children, we must clearly understand the Example on the "outside" that God has given to us, to point as the "Finger of God" to what each of us must do within us, before it is too late to do this "Heart's Work" within us.

Bawa.  For example, "Why does an apple seed germinate?", a question we asked you, and all of My Children a few months before we physically left the world.  And the answer that we gave to you is "The Answer" to all of your questions, if you have the heart and wisdom to realize, understand, and accept it. 

Bawa.  That is, an apple seed germinates not because of any influence of the 5 elements, as many of My Children still mistakenly believe, not because of any influence of the earth, fire, water, air, or ether, but rather because of "Awareness", but rather because of an "Expansion of Consciousness", that is, because the apple seed buried within the earth becomes aware that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary to make the apple tree hidden within it, germinate, grow, and come to maturity, and bear fruit within the earth that it is currently buried within

Bawa.  That is why an apple seed, My dearest loving Children, through "Awareness", through an "Expansion of Consciousness", that is, the correct answers to the Three Questions, "Who am I", and "Where am I?", and "What is truly happening" in my life, and this is why, and only why, each of you will germinate, if you like, that is, with you joining in partnership with God within you to allow the "Truth to surrender to the Truth" within you, that is, with you allowing the "Truth of yourself" and the "Truth of God" hidden within you, through your "Awareness", to surrender to each other within you.

Bawa.  That is, through your awareness of the truth about "Who you are", and "Where you are", and about "What is happening to you", all of which naturally emerges from within you, like these beautiful words of wisdom you are now reading, that is, when you are ready, that is, ready to both hear this truth within you, and to either accept or reject it.

Bawa.  For now you are ready, so hear it and Choose, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, for if you don't Choose then at the end, if you die in your current state, God will Choose for you, and give you an eternal hell of "separation from" God, because a "No Choice" is a Choice, a Choice to continue with "business as usual" on the "outside" of you, to continue trying to live a life of "separation and difference" on the "outside" of you, with you living as if you are "separate from" God within you, all of which is "Just not True".

Bawa.  For not all people, like not all apple seeds, germinate to the truth within them, some rot in the earth, die in the earth, and then become subject to 105 million rebirths, but never again as an apple seed, never again as the Story of the "Oneness of the Apple Tree and Its Fruits" hidden within the apple seed, a Story that the apple seed came to the earth, to join with the earth, to tell.

Bawa.  And in your case, like the apple seed, some of you will also not germinate to the truth within you, some of you will rot in your earth, in your mind and desire, in your arrogance, karma, and illusion, and when you do finally die to the flesh in your current state, like the apple seeds that don't germinate, you will also become subject to 105 million rebirths, but never again as the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, never again as the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" hidden within each of the Children of God for this age, which in truth is each of you living in this age, a Story that you came to this earth world within you, to join as "One with" God within the Creation of God within you, to tell.

- go to "Expanded Summary of Topic 25"
Text of Topic 25:

Bawa. For example, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, one beautiful example on the "outside" of you, that "We" told you about, was contained with the question/answer that "We" conducted "In-the-room" when we asked you, and all of My Children, the following question, right before we physically left the world, a question "We" asked during the Holy Month of Ramadan in 1986,

    "Why does an apple seed germinate?"

Bawa. With "Us" telling you at that time that an apple seed germinates for the following reason, through "Truth Awareness".

"Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate?"

His Holiness Teaches Us:

"An apple seed germinates because it becomes aware that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, it becomes aware that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to germinate, grow, and come to maturity within the earth."

"Then the earth becomes aware that the apple seed is now aware that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to germinate, grow, and come to maturity within the earth."

"And out of this "mutual awareness" the earth surrenders to the apple seed, and the apple seed surrenders to the earth, that is, the "Truth surrenders to the Truth", and the apple seed germinates."

"And this is why an apple seed germinates, because of awareness, an awareness of "Who it is", it is an apple seed, an awareness of "Where it is", it is buried within the earth, and an awareness of "What is happening" to it, it is the "Apple tree happening", and within that, it is the "Apple Fruits" happening, and within that, again the apple seed within the apples, but this time a 1000 fold. Amen."

"And this is why each of you will germinate to the truth within you, that is, when you truly realize, understand, accept, and join with the truth of yourself, and the truth of God hidden within you, that in truth, "Who you are", is the "Seed of God", and "Where you are", is buried within the Creation of God within you, or "Earth of God" within you, and "What is happening" to you, is that "We" in truth are "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and within that, "We" are "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and with that, again the "Seed of God" within the "Fruits of God" is happening within you, but this time a 1000 fold, as the 1000 Generosities of God.

"That is, as the 1000 Generosities of God within you which make the 4 religions within you come to completion within you, with 300 going to the religion of Hinduism within you, which is the section below your waist, with 300 going to the religion of Fire or Zoroastrianism within you, or tour stomach, with 300 going to the religion of Christianity within you, or tour chest, and with 99 going to the religion of Islam within you, or your head".

"In this way, returning the 5 elemental spirits within you, or ruhanies within you, to the state of the 5 Angels (peace be upon Them) within you, or the 5 levels of wisdom within you, all living again as "One with" within you, and in this way, giving rise to the 6th level of wisdom within you, and within that the 7th level of wisdom within you, all of which naturally occurs within you when you join in partnership with God within you to subdue the ego within you, that is, allowing the ego to be subdued by your awakened wisdom within you, by the wisdom surrounding your soul, that is, when your "wisdom reasons over your fate" within you, when the "Lam and the Mim" emerge out of the Alif within you, that is, causing the Nur and the Qutb to emerge out of the Shadow within you."

"That is, for the 24 and the 25th letter to emerge out of the 25 letters within you, out of the 25 of the 28 letters within you, out of the "Mystical For of the Body of Man", and in this way, liberating the soul within you from its cross, as the 26th letter within you, allowing Muhammad to go on Mi'raj within you, as the 27th letter within you, revealing True Prayer within you, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within you, and within that revealing Insan Muhammad within you, as True Man within God within the Creation of God within you, causing the 124 letters of the Suratal Fatihah to become the 128 letters within you, with "you" becoming the Witness of God, of God's Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, and when you do, then in the end, "You will be within it".  Amen".

---- End of ----
Question and Answer
by His Holiness (Ral.)
& Now
by His Children (Ral.)

Bawa. And in this way within you, allowing God to tell and bring to Completion within you the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God (or the earth world or dunya) within you, and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man (or the hereafter or akhirah) within you. Amen.

Bawa. May all the peace, be beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.

Bawa. In this way, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, within the apple seed buried within the earth, God has placed the apple tree, the apple fruits, the sweet taste within the apple fruits, and again the apple seed within the sweet taste within the apple fruits, but this time a 1000 fold, if the apple seed likes.

Bawa. That is, if after realizing this truth of itself, that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and this truth of the apple tree hidden within it, that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to germinate and grow, if after realizing, understanding, accepting, and joining with this truth within it, the apple seed gives us its "separation from" the earth that it is buried within, an earth that it has been actively protecting its self from, through a tiny covering over the apple seed, which is like your mind and desire.

Bawa. And instead if the apple seed lets the "Truth happen", both within it and on the "outside" of itself, and instead becomes the Witness of the Story of the "Oneness of the Apple Tree and Its Apples", letting the current Chapter in this Story called "Apple Seed Buried Within The Earth", that it is experiencing, come to an end, that is, letting the life of the apple seed buried within the earth, living as if it is "separate from" the earth, come to an end, and letting the next Chapter in the Story of the Apple Tree and its Apple, the Chapter called "Apple Tree" begin, then, and only then, the apple seed will become truly successful in its lifetime, and in a similar way, but within us, "So must we".

Bawa. In this way, the apple seed only truly becomes successful in its lifetime after realizing, understanding, accepting, and joining with the truth within it, a truth that naturally emerges from within the apple seed, when it is ready, that is, when it is ready to both hear this truth, and either accept or reject this truth, as you and each of My Children are now read, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen. Ok?

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
26.  Because Now You Are Ready - because now each and every one of you is ready, ready to both hear and either accept or reject the "Truth of yourself", and the "Truth of God" within you, that in truth you are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and in this way, you are "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and the "truth of God" within you, that God within you is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and in this way, God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and as such "You are All One". That is, the Creation of God within you, the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, God within you, and True Man within God within you, and "you" as the Witness, are "All One", whether you know it or not, and even whether you like or want it or not, because this your true heritage, your true birthright, the true destiny of your soul, for your age, because God has "Made it So" for your age, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's. What more can God do, the rest is truly up to you, for the
"Justice of God" that God has placed within us, dictates the following, that is,

     "Whatever you intend is what you will receive"

Bawa. And that is why we have now given this beautiful explanation to you, and through you to all of My Children, if you like, and if they like, because now you are all ready to both hear and either accept or reject this truth, because this is why you were born, this is why God sent you here, to make this Choice, because this is now you "Moment of truth" or your "Moment of falsehood", as it is now for all of My Children, and everything that came before this was just for this, was just to prepare you for "This Moment".

Bawa. Because now you are ready, now all of My Children are ready to make this Choice, now everyone living in this age is ready to make this Choice, a Choice between and eternal life as "One with" God within you, or an eternal life as "separate from" God within you, and there is "No other Choice", and all other Choices that you think you may have are not really a Choice, but rather is just the "drama of your life" of "separation and differences", and in truth is a Choice for hell, is a Choice for an eternal life as "separate from" God within you. Ok?

Bawa. Please know this now without the slightest doubt, and please Choose "Oneness with" God, and then "We" will meet again, if not you must spend eternity within you as "separate from" God you, and as "separate from" "Us" within you.

Bawa. And this is why "We" told you to write this book, by the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, in partnership with our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brothers Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen. Please accept this as now the truth of your life, and the truth of all of your brothers and sisters. That would be very, very good, both for you and for them. Ok?

Bawa. In this way, like for each of you, if the apple seed buried within the earth, realizes, understands, accepts, and joins as "One with" the truth that naturally emerges from within it, then its life will truly become successful in its life time, for everything else that needs to happen is already prepared, and will automatically occur within you, as it automatically occurs within the apple seed.

Bawa. For in truth the truth in this book or letter is now emerging from within each of you, as your own life speaking to you, as "Us" and God within "Us" speaking to you, and is certainly not just the words of one of your dearest loving brother, and as a result, now you have a Choice to make, a Choice which none of you have made up till now, up to this Moment, no matter what each of you may think, because Now is the time, in your reading this material, and This is the Choice, that is, either "Oneness with" or "separation from" God. Ok?

Bawa. And if you truly do make the correct Choice, and join as "One with" Us within you, and with God within Us, and on the "outside" of you, as "One with" our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, which is as God has "Made it So" within each of you, then each of you who do this "Heart's Work" with "Us" both within you and on the "outside" of you, will become like the Example of the apple seed buried within the earth on the "outside" of you, which surrenders to the earth that it is buried within, to destroy itself, and reveal what God has hidden within it.

Bawa. And in this way, and only in this way, after germinating to the truth within itself, and in this way, letting the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within it, the apple seed has truly become successful in its like, but if it fails to do this, and only this, then nothing else that it may do will be of any value, either to itself, or to anyone else, and in the end, after it rots in the earth, and eventually dies in the earth, then just like each of you if we die to the flesh in your current state, it becomes subject to 105 million rebirths, but never again as an apple seed, never again as the Story of the "Oneness of the apple tree and its fruits", which like each of you within "Us", a Story that it came to the earth, to join as "One with" the earth, to tell.

Bawa. In this way, only God can do this "Heart's Work" within you, only God can live in the Remembrance of Allah, not the Creation of God, and certainly not you, or any of My Children, that is, in your current state of living on the "outside" of you, as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if your are "separate from" each other, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within you, all of which is "Just not True".

Bawa. So what you have written about the "Remembrance of Allah" is just a "figment of your imagination", is just your own mind speaking to you, keeping alive the perception of your "own presence" on the "outside" of you, keeping alive the perception of you writing about something that is completely beyond the instrument you are using, which is your current mind and desire, which is your "estimation, your "imagination", and your "pleasure", rather than the 6 wisdoms that we described in the last section.

Bawa. And all of which is really harmless on their own, but which is also causing you to "Not do" the work that God has truly created you to do, which is to know His work within you, which is "All work" both within you and on the "outside" of you, and realizing, understanding, accepting this, without the slightest doubt, to join in partnership with God within you to "Step back", before you "Say or do or write" anything on the "outside" of you, so God can "Step forward" within you, and tell and bring to Completion His Story within the Creation of God within you. Ok?

Bawa. May all the peace, be beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.

Bawa. My love you (anbu), My dearest loving brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen.

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
27.  The Journey of "The Nothing" From "The Nothing" - which is the Journey of God from God within us, that is, the Journey of "The Power" to Everything within us, which is "Everything Left Behind" in the last telling of "God's Story" within us, which is Anathi within us, the time of Darkness or "Lack of Understanding" within us, and from Everything to the Essence of Everything, which is Aathi, the time of Light within us, which is the Qutbiyyat of God within us in the "Presence of God" within us, or the Nur Muhammad within us, all of which is the Hub of Creation within us, from which the Creation of God takes form within us, from the understanding of Everything within us, which is the World of souls within us, the 6th level of wisdom within us, the wisdom surrounding our soul, which "steps forward" from within us when needed within us, if we like, and if we like, teaches, analyzes, and controls all of the Creation of God within us, preparing Everything within us, which is what was "Left Behind" within us, to return to God within us, if we like, but this time with the understand of "Us" within us, so "We" will never leave "Us" again, if we like

- go to "Text of Topic 27"
Expanded Summary of Topic 27:

Bawa.  My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, we must truly come to understand the Journey that "We" are all really on, a Journey from God to God as God, for the benefit of God, and as God's Witness, for in truth "There is Nothing Other Than God", in truth "Only God Exists", and in truth "God is One".  Ok?

Bawa.  All of which in truth is the "Journey of the Nothing", of the No-thing through Everything, through the Essence of Everything, through the Essence of God, returning as it came, to the Nothing, to the No-thing, from which "We" have all come, so "We" will never leave "Us" again, returning with the understanding that will truly prevent any of "Us" from leaving "Us" again.

Bawa.  All of which in truth is the "Journey of the Nothing" from "The Nothing", which is the Journey of God from God within us, that is, the Journey of "The Power" to Everything within us, which is "Everything Left Behind" in the last telling of "God's Story" within us, which is Anathi within us, the time of Darkness or "Lack of Understanding" within us, and from Everything to the Essence of Everything, which is Aathi, the time of Light within us, which is the Qutbiyyat of God within us in the "Presence of God" within us, or the Nur Muhammad within us, all of which is the Hub of Creation within us, from which the Creation of God takes form within us, from the understanding of Everything within us, which is the World of souls within us, the 6th level of wisdom within us, the wisdom surrounding our soul, which "steps forward" from within us when needed within us, if we like, and if we like, teaches, analyzes, and controls all of the Creation of God within us, preparing Everything within us, which is what was "Left Behind" within us, to return to God within us, if we like, but this time with the understand of "Us" within us, so "We" will never leave "Us" again, if we like

Bawa.  And in this way, "Moving Forward" the "Story of God" within us, if we like, if we join as "One with" our awakened wisdom within us, against the "Enemy of our soul" within us, liberating the soul and meeting the Essence of God within us, becoming the Dhat, the Sirr, and the Safat within us, which is the 7th level of wisdom within the 6th level of wisdom within the first 5 levels of wisdom within us, within the "Secret World of Allah" within us, and from the Essence of God within us, which is the understanding of the Nothing or "The Power" within us, to the Power within the Essence of Everything within us, or True Prayer within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us.

Bawa.  And in this way, meeting the Truth within us, letting the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within us, and from the Truth to True Man within God within the Creation of God within us, Witnessing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within God within True Man within the Creation of True Man within us, which is akhirah or the hereafter within us, within this earth world or dunya within us, as the understanding of "The Nothing" or "The Power" within the understanding of "The Everything" within the Nothing or "The Power" within us, allowing God to "Pull Us All Back Into Himself", from which "We" have all come, as the Nothing returning to the Nothing, but this time with the "Understanding of the Nothing", this time with "No Child Left Behind" within us, so none of "Us" will ever leave "Us" again, with all of "Us" peacefully and lovingly sharing this understanding with God within us for eternity.  Amen

- go to "Expanded Summary of Topic 27"
Text of Topic 27:

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
27-a.  Initial Answer 1-27 - You say, "There is only One and that One is whom we
     call Allah."

     "My Sons, heart of your Father's Heart, Jeweled-Light of My Eye, there is only
     One and that One is whom we call Allah."

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
27-b.  Response 1-27 - In truth, "There is only One, but that One is not only what we
     call Allah, but also everything that we don't call Allah, for all of everything is also
     that One, all of everything in truth is that "One" happening, if we will only let it, if
     we like, for the Choice is ours, not God's, that is, the Choice of whether we let
     "Our Oneness" happens within us, or not, is our Choice, not God's, for that
     "Oneness" is our true birthright, our true heritage, the true destiny of our soul, that
     is, is "The True Given of Us" from God within us, but "We" must want it, having
     come to understand it, that is, having come here to this "School of Contrast"
     within us, to understand it through Contrast, for "understanding only occurs
     through contrast", that is, to both experience it, that is, our "separation from" and
     our "Oneness with", and if we like, in partnership with God within us, to
     understand it, and in this way, to transcend it, to transcend what has grown over
     our original birth and life within us, which is the world of souls within us, that is, to
     transcend our current life of "separate from", both within us, and on the "outside"
     of us", if we like, for the Choice is ours, not God's, and "Everything is just waiting"
     for us to willingly and freely, end "ourselves" in this way"

Bawa. My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, in truth, everything of Creation has three aspects, not just one, as you imply, that is, the "Power within the Essence of Everything", or the Dhat, the Sirr, and the Safat, or the Shadow, the Light, and the Power, so that which we call not One, that is, which we call not Allah, is that aspect of it which is not yet One, is not yet Allah, but is still Allah, for in truth it, like each of us, is still "All Three", that is, it is Allah, the Light of Allah, and the Shadow.

Bawa.  That is, until it awakens to itself, joining with Allah as the Three within the Shadow to transcend the Shadow, to become the Three within the Shadow, and again joining with Allah as the One within the Three to transcend the Three within the Shadow, to become the One within the Three, and in this way, establishing "True Prayer" within, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within, and through that "True Prayer" destroying Everything that has "Manifested" within, other than "The One", and in this way, becoming the "One within the One", as the Secret, and with that, becoming the "One", as the Mystery.

Bawa. And in this way, always correctly joining with Allah for your current state, like the Disciple joining with the Shaikh, and the Shaikh Joining with the Guru, and the Guru joining with Allah, to becoming Allah, and in this way, always joining with Allah to reveal the Light of Allah within your current state, which is what you, and all of My Children, have yet to do, first awakening the wisdom surrounding your soul with the Light of your Shaikh, revealing the Shaikh within you, then joining with the Shaikh within you against the "Enemy of your soul" within you, which in truth is "you", is you living a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside", as if you are "separate from" God within you, all of which is "Just Not True", which is closing down the world of hell, the world of jinns, and the world of fairies within you, which in truth is the current 3 sections you have opened within you, which is the section of false creation below your waist, the section of false destruction which is your stomach, and the section of false life which is your chest.

Bawa. That is, the three sections within us, which current "define us", that falsely define for us, "Who we are?", and "Where we are?", and "What is happening" to us on the "outside" of us, that falsely define us as "separate from" on the "outside" of us, a life of darkness and evil that we have allowed to grow within us, in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our ignorance, and that now rule over us as the 9 openings of our elemental body, with God's Permission, that is, until we "See God and Steady God" within us, allowing God to then "Cure Himself of us", if we like, of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is "Just Not True".

Bawa. That is, the drama that was revealed within us, as the 36 potentialities within us, when God revealed the 3 hidden elements of water, fire, and air, within the earth, in this way, transforming the 33 potentialities of the Creation of God within us into the 36 potentialities of man within us, which in or ignorance and in our arrogance about our ignorance we have allow to grow within us, and which we are now currently experiencing, also in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our ignorance, as our current life of "separation and differences" or "drama" on the "outside" of us, a drama that "separate us" from each other on the "outside" of us.

Bawa. That is, the three sections within us of earth joined with water, and earth joined with fire, and earth joined with air, and your mind and desire which reflect them, which is your current head, all of which must be closed down by your 6th level of wisdom, or the awakened wisdom surrounding your soul, which in truth is the Guardian of your soul, of the "Truth of you", which is the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and the "Truth of God" within you, which is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, which is the "Truth that must surrender to the Truth", allowing God to tell and bring to Completion the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, if your life is to become truly successful in your life time.

Bawa. And then you must join in partnership with God within you to re-open the world of souls within you, and within that open the kingdom of God within you, and in this way, gradually in partnership with Allah within you, reduced Allah's separation from Allah within you, for in truth there is "Nothing outside of you, Everything is always within you", and there is "Nothing other than Allah" within you, and "Only Allah exists" within you, and "Allah is One" within you, with "you" as the Witness of Allah, experiencing and then understanding the "Degrees of Separation from Allah", that Allah has placed within you, and within each of My Children, if they like, as you become "One with" Allah within you, with Allah becoming at each Step, in each of your current stages, in each of your "Degree of Separation", what is need to remove another "Degree of Separation", and reveal another "Level of One With".

Bawa.  For example, as the Light of awakening, the Light of Iman within the Light of awakening, the Light of the Three within the Light of Iman, the Light of the One within the Three, the Light of the "Oneness of God and True Man", and if we like, the Power within the Essence of Everything, and the Everything within "The Power within the Essence of Everything", all reflecting varying stages of awakening within us, and if we do, then "We will be within it", as the Witness, as the "Nothing falling back into the Nothing", but this time with an understanding of the "Nothing" so it will never leave us again. Ok?

Bawa. My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, it is true that there is only One, but that One is not only what we call Allah, but also everything that we don't call Allah, for all of everything is also that One, because in truth,

     1)  There is nothing on the "outside" of us, "Everything is within us".
     2)  "There is nothing other than Allah" within us.
    3)  "Only God exists" within us.
    4)  "God is One" within us.

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
28.  God Is Not Without Fear - because He has "us", and the Creation of God that God has placed within us, so we would join in partnership with God within us, to end all fear, to end all living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separation from" God within us, which is the source of our fear, and within that, to end all duality with God within God within us, so in the end, at the end of telling and bringing to Completion "God's Story" within God within us, "No Child Will Be Left Behind", nothing will still be "separate from" God within us

28-a.  Initial Answer 1-28 - You say, "He is without fear because He is without separation, and He seeks nothing for Himself."

     "He is without fear because He is without separation, and He seeks nothing for

     "Yet because there is only One, in Truth, we may also say that fear arises within
     Him in the form of the illusion of creation's separation."

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
28-b.  Response 1-28 - In truth, "God is not within fear, because He has "us", that is,
     "us" living within and literally through the Creation of God living within us, and this
     is God's fear, but without "Himself", for God has no "Himself", He has "us" and the
     Creation of God living within us, but no "Himself", for only "we" have "us", and
     "each other", and the Creation of God, and God as "Himself", all as "separate
     from" us", for God is "One", God sees everything as "One", and so must "We", in
     partnership with God within us, if our life is to become truly successful in our
     lifetime.  Amen

Bawa. My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, this is a very important question, "Is God with or without fear", because it gets at the very heart of "Who God is", and of "Who we are", and of "Our relationship" with God, either as "One with" God in some way, like two sides of the same, of the "One Coin", or as "separate from" God in some way, like the "sperm and the ovum", but yet interdependent, joining together to produce something else, and disappearing into the Created, only to appear again to do the same work, again apparently separate, but in truth "One",

Bawa.  And in truth it is always both, and an infinite number of other analogies, all of which reflect the One, like facets of a gem, but added together do not make up the gem, for only the gem is the gem, not its facets, and so it is with God, with Man, and with the Creation of God, and with "us", as its Witness, we are "All One", we are always, "One with", no matter what, that is, no matter what may appear to be happening, all of which is more a reflection of our state, of our "Level or degree of separation from", from God within us, and from "Ourselves", within God within us, and from the "One", than what is happening, for in truth what is always happening, is what God is doing within us, and what "We in truth" are doing within what "God is doing" within us, that is, what God is doing, and what True Man is doing, at a particular point in "God's Story" within the Creation of God within us, and in our "True Man's Story" within "God's Story", and in "God's Story" within "True Man's Story", which in truth is the same and One Story, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us. 

Bawa.  And in this way, and always in this way, God is not within fear, because He has "us", that is "us" within the Creation of God living within us, and this is God's Fear, but without Himself, for God has no "Himself", He has "us" and the Creation of God within us, for only "we", in our current state, have "us", and the Creation of God as "separate from" us."

Bawa.  And in this way, it is "we" who have a fear that is connected to "us", and in this way, "God's fear" is "us, not "Him", this is the difference, as God has "suffering", but His suffering is "us", not "His", and the same applies to everything that "we" have, God also has it, as "us", as "ours", not as His, and in this way, "we" have "us", not God, and God has "us", not God.

Bawa.  This is the difference between "us" and God within us, and that is why we have told you My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen,

     "Man is God in the forgetting of himself."

Bawa.  And in this way, this is the correct goal of our life, to become Him within "us", but without "Himself", for this is God's Love, not to just become "Him" without "us", as some of My Children still mistakenly believe, that is, to mistakenly believe that God is God's love, but it is not True, for it is "we" who are God's love, for without "us" God would have no love, just as an apple tree without its branches and leaves would have no fruit.

Bawa.  For the apple tree's love is each of its branches, leaves, and apples, with the tree bending down in "Full Fruit", even touching the ground, as a reflection of its Love, as Bawa bend down in "Full Fruit, even repeatedly touching death, as a reflection of His Love, which is each of His Children, and as such, so must we, that is, if our life is to become truly successful in our lifetime.

Bawa.  As is the life of His Holiness, of our dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, as is the life of His Children, of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), if we like, which is each of us living in this age, if we like, that is, if the true intention for the life within us, for our soul life, is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state, and get an eternal hell of "separation from" God within us, as our eternal reward, again becoming "One with" God within us, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness", so it will never leave us again. Amen

Bawa. In this way, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, God is not without fear, as you say, because He has us, and because He has placed all of His Creation within us, and until we allow the Qutbiyyat of Allah within us, that is, the wisdom surrounding our soul within us to awaken from His dream within us, then we will continue to live a life of fear within His dream within us, and God will continue to have "us" as "His fear" within Him within us, because in His dream we have become "One with" all of the Creation of God within us, and "One with" all of their qualities, including their fear, because in truth we are the "Nothing", the "No-thing".

Bawa.  Because in truth we are the "No-thing" of God that has come to His Everything, to return with an understanding of Everything, and of the Nothing within His Everything, that is, within His dream within us, within His dream of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is "Just Not True".

Bawa. And in this way, we are within the Creation of God within God within us, and the Creation of God is within us, and God is within the Creation of God within us, and as such, "We are All One", and in this way, what "we" have, and what the Creation of God has, God also has, but not in our state, or in the state of the Creation of God within us, which is as "separate from", for in truth God "Sees it all as Him, sees it all as One", God sees it all as "Who He is", and "Where He is", and as "What is happening", that is, as "What He is doing with what is "Within Him" within us", and "So must We".

Bawa.  Since in truth, "There is nothing other than God" within us, with God within us sees it all as His Story, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, a Story that God has Created within us, and for us, and within and for all of the Creation of God that God placed within us, in order to tell that Story within us, and God has created man, and man alone, to bring that Story to Completion, within God within the Creation of God within us, as the Story of True Man within the Story of God, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within us. Ok?

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
Additional Responses - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

29.  The "Oneness of God and True Man" Within Us - and the Story of this "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and the telling and bringing to Completion of this Story, so in the end, "No Child Is Left Behind", is why we and everything within us, including everything within God within us, is here, in this earth world within us

Bawa. This is the wisdom point that My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, and all of My Children, are still missing, this "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, and how everything else is truly serving this, and only this, that is, how everything is serving what God started within us, and within everything within us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you.

Bawa. And in this way, allowing God to both tell and bring to Completion this Story within you, within each of you, this Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, which is this earth world or dunya within us, and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within you, which is the next world or hereafter or akhirah within the earth world or dunya within us.

Bawa. All of which you, if you like, and through you, all of My Children, if they like, must now realize, understand, and accept, if you are to become truly successful in your lifetime, that is, to accept this as the Truth of their life, or at least truly start to accept it, in partnership with God within you, before you die to the flesh in your current state, and then join with our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen to allow God within you to then "Make it So" within you, that is, if you like, for the Choice to do this or not with your life, is your Choice, not God's, for only then, if you truly Choose to do this with your life, will your life become truly successful in your lifetime. Ok?

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
30.  The Significance And Value For Your Life - of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), of Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), of Qadir-BeeBee (Ral.), and of each of the
Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), is the same as the significance and value of God for your life, for in truth, for your age, "They are All One"

Bawa. My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, and all of My dearest loving Children, now "We" need to explain to you the true significance for your life of our dearest loving Son, and your loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, and of our dearest little brother, and your dearest loving brother, Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and of all of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us). This is something you must become clear on, if you are to truly move forward on the "Path of God", which is the "Way of the Lord", the "Straight Path" of God within you, which in truth is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, that you have come here, to this earth world or dunya within you, to both know and to understand, that is, to experience and to transcend.

Bawa. First, unlike the Creation of God within God within you, and the Creation of God within you, God has also placed around your soul His Qutbiyyat, His 6th level of wisdom, which analyzes, teaches, and controls all of the Creation of God within you, and it is this that we must awaken within us, and become "One with", or at least truly start to, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state and an eternal hell of "separation from" God within us, becomes our eternal reward within us, all of which in truth is our wisdom, and God within wisdom, that is, if your life is to truly become God's vehicle for telling and bringing to Completion His Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within you. Amen.

Bawa. All of which is exactly what our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen has truly allow God to start to do within Him, and all of which our dearest loving little brother, and your dearest loving brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, and a few other of My Children, are ready to do, if they will just make the final adjustment that Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen has done, which is what "We" told all of you to always do, and to always remember, right before we physically left the world, which was,

     "Don't Forget Me, Don't Forget Me, Don't Forget Me".

Bawa. For most of you, with a few exceptions have gone back to your previous ways, back to all of the "Stuff" that you did before we came to you in the world, and tried to "Set you on the Straight Path", that is to make "your life end" on the "outside" of you, so "Our life could begin again" within you, begin again within you, as it was before you,

     "Came to this earth world, Forgot God, and fell into many a trap, not knowing to
     "seek yourself" within yourself, although God exists within man."

Bawa. And in this way, as we teach you in the beautiful Chapter on the "Six Faces", that is, in Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", in the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom",

    "You have forgotten your determination to die, in order to see your true Father."

Bawa. So instead of doing what "We" sent you here to do, you have decided to live here, rather than complete "Our Purpose" for sending you here, and then leave, and "Our Purpose" for sending you here is so you can join in partnership with God within you, that is, to understand what is separating you from each other, and "separating you" from the Creation of God within you, and "separating you" from God within you, and then to leave, leave this "School of Contrast" that we have sent you to, within you, which is the true significance of the earth world within you, that you are currently experiencing in your ignorance, and in your arrogance as "outside" of you, and "Move onto" the Next of God's Schools within you, which is the "School of Light" within you, where God will personally, and ever so lovingly teach you about God.

Bawa. In this way, our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen has done this, and is now available to each of you, to "Do the Same", if you like, allowing this Chapter in God's Story within each of you, known as the dunya within each of you, to come to an end within each of you, and the next Chapter in God's Story within you, known as akhirah or the hereafter or the next world within each of you, to begin within each of you, and in this way, allowing Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) to begin, both within you and on the "outside" of you, for all of My Children, before you die to the flesh in your current state. Ok?

Bawa. That is, allowing each of My Children to decide where and how you will spend eternity or akhirah within you, either as "One with" God within you, or as "separate from" God within you, and in truth there is no other Choice, for everything else that some of My Children still believe, like going to another new "outside" of us, after we die to the current "outside" of us, but without all of the things that we don't like in the current "outside" of us, is "Just Not True", and when you die to the flesh in your current state, and with this belief, you will be very disappointed, for in truth, as "We" have told you repeatedly, when "We" were within you in the world,

    "Hell is simply a realization that you have "separated yourself" from God within

Bawa. And in this way, all of your illusory heavens will gradually become your hell, when you begin to realize what you have done with your life, with the beautiful Gifts that God has placed within you, that in truth, if you die to the flesh in your current state, all that you have done with you life is "separate yourself" from God within you, from the truth of you, and the truth of God within you, from the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, from the Story that you have come to this earth world within you, to join as "One with" God within the Creation of God within you, to tell.

Bawa. In this way, through the grace of God within the life of our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) is now coming to each of My Children, before you die to the flesh, through the infinite Mercy and Compassion of God within you, which in truth is everyone living in the world, as a 100 year judgment period at the end of the dunya, and at the beginning of akhirah, a 100 year judgment period that we are now 31 years into.

Bawa.  A 100 year judgment period which truly started in 1975, when our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen put up the "Light Box" at the Fellowship in Philadelphia, USA, and when Guru Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) became Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), a 100 year judgment period that ends in 2075, leaving only 69 more years to go, that is, to make and solidify your Choice, for then the "outside" of all of us is over, that is, the "outside" for all of us ends, and akhirah within all of us begins.

Bawa. And in truth, the only question left for your age, is "How will you spend eternity?" Either as "One with" God within you, or as "separate from" God within you.

Bawa. And this is the truth for all of you, because God has "Made it So" for your age, and this is the purpose of "Our" coming into the earth world at this time, and for the life and teaching of God for your age, that is, for the "Word of God" for your age, for the Children of God for your age, which "We" started to give to you before "We" left the world, sort of like "priming the pump", for what you are about to receive, which is the life and teaching of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), which is just starting with the life and teaching that you are now reading, that is, of our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen.

Bawa. For in truth this is what each of My Children was created by God within "Us" to do, that is, to become the "Word of God" for your age, for the Children of God for your age, as the "Word of God made flesh" for your age, if you like, for the Choice to use your life in this way, or not, is your Choice, not God's, a Choice which our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen as truly accepted as His life, and most certainly "So can each of you". It is just this simple.

Bawa. This is why "We" came into the world, to "Prime the pump" for the life and teaching of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), and make this transition possible, all of which "We" have now done, and now, the "Ball is in your court", that is, it is up to each of My Children, which in truth is everyone living in the world today, to first truly make this Choice correctly for themselves, that is, to truly Choose an eternal life as "One with" God within them, and then, and only then, to offer this Choice, in the name of your Shaikh, of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, and of God within Him, to everyone else, if they like, and that is truly it.

Bawa. So even though you, and the rest of My Children did not do this while "We" were with you in the world, you can still do it, if you like, if you will only accept our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen as such for your life.

Bawa. For as "We" have told you, and have told all of My Children, when "We" were with you in the world, that unless your Shaikh accepts you God cannot accept you, and in this way, if you do not accept our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, as that for your life, then you do not accept "Us", and God within "Us", and it is just this simple, and an eternal hell of "separation from" God within you will become your lot, not because of anything that "We" did or did not do, or that God within "Us" did or did not do, but because of your ignorance, and of your arrogance about your ignorance, like the clouds covering the light of the sun and moon, and then, "What to do?", for that is your Choice.

Bawa.  For as each of "Our Children" come to maturity within "Us", it is this, and this alone that we truly have "To give to you", as our "Gift to you" for your age, to "Pull you up" to the "Next level of consciousness" within you, and our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen is just that, as what we have now given each of you for this purpose, that is, as how you are accepted by God within you before akhirah begins.

Bawa.  And in this way, the Choice is yours, not God's, the Choice to accept Him or not, as now the True Shaikh of God for your age, allowing Him to both accept you in God's Name, and if you like, bring you to "Our Feet", or at least truly start to do this within you, before you die to the flesh in your current state, and an eternal hell of "separation from" God within you becomes your eternal reward.

Bawa.  And doing this within you before 2075, when this 100 year judgment period is over, and the "outside" of all of you quickly comes to an end, then no matter what you do, you will have to face both the "suffering of the grave" within you, and Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), after you do finally die to the flesh, for then an eternal hell of "separation from" God within you, will most certainly become your lot, and this is most certainly the truth. Amen.

Bawa. In this way, God has placed everything that He has Created, including each one of you, within each one of you, and if just one of you makes this transition from "separate from" to "One with", before you die to the flesh, as our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen has done, then all of you can, if you like, that is, if you will only accept each of you as such, that is, as the life within your own life, as "your own life speaking to you", and in this way, allowing God to tell and bring to Completion His Story within the Creation of God within us, and within that to tell and bring to Completion the Story of True Man within the Story of God, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within us.

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
31.  God Is Most Certainly Seeking Something - because "We" are, and what "We" are seeking is God within "Us", that is, God within the Creation of God within "Us", and within that, True Man within God within the Creation of God within "Us", in order to allow God within "Us" to tell and bring to Completion the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within "Us", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within "Us", and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within "Us", and in this way, "Our Work" is to "Join Him" in "His Work" within "Us", by letting Him "Make it So" within "Us", as your work is to "Join Us" in "Our Work" within you, by letting "Us" "Make it So" within you.  Amen

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
31-a.  Initial Answer 31-1 - You say, "God seeks nothing for Himself"

    "He is without fear because He is without separation and He seeks nothing for

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                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
31-b.  Response 31-1 - In truth, "God does seek something, but "Not Selfishly" as
     "we do" in our current state of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, living as if we
     are "separate from", rather than as "One with" within us". In this way, God seeks
     "Selflessly" for the benefit of "us", which in truth is for the benefit of all of the
     Creation of God within us, for in truth "Who we are" is "What is within us", not
     anything that we currently see in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our
     ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.  That is the difference, My dearest
     loving brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen. Ok?

Bawa.  My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, you must realize without the slightest doubt that God most certainly does seek something, and that is "us", but as you say, "Not Selfishly" as "we do", but rather "Selflessly" as "Returning "Himself to Himself" within us, that is, returning to Himself Everything that came from Him, so in the end, that is, after God has told and brought to Completion His Story within us, there will be Nothing still "separate from" Him within Him, that is, in the end, there will be "No Child Left Behind" within Him, within "Us" have fallen back into Him, for only then will our life become truly successful.  Amen.

Bawa.  This is how we must live, "Selflessly", both within us and on the "outside" of us, not in our current state, not in our current state of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, living as if we are "separate from", rather than as "One with" within us, which is our true heritage, our true birthright, the true destiny of our soul, that is, with "us" instead living as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is
Just Not True".

Bawa.  Please think about these wisdom points a little, My dearest loving brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, and join with our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen to let "Us" teach you about them further, so you too can truly become "Our Son", for it is still not too late for you to make this transition in your life, from "selfishness to selflessness", from "your own presence" on the "outside" of you, to "God's Presence" within "Us" within you.  For other than this, there is no way to reach and merge with God.  Amen.

End of "Page 5 of 6", For
"Response 01",  For
"Initial Answer 01", For
"Q & A" Cycle 01, For
- Question 01 -
"What is the secret
In the fear of God"
- In The Book -
"A Book of Our Love"

(for Question 01)
(for "A Book of Our Love")
"A Book of Our Love"
By The Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
- Question 01 -
"What is the secret in the fear of God"
Question & Answer Cycle 01
"Initial Answer 01"
By:  Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Rick Hacket)
(Click HERE to read "Initial Answer 01")
"Response 01"
By:  Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)

Page 5 of 6
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Go To:  Response 01 - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, to "Initial Answer 01"
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Introduction - to Question & Answer Cycle 01

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Outline of "Response 01" -------------- (for Page 5 Only)
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"Brief Outline" - of "Response 01"

Introduction - to "Question & Answer Cycle 01", for Question 01

21. Living In Remembrance of Allah - is what God, and God alone does within us, not something that we do, or can even comprehend doing, while we are still living in our current state, in our current "selfish life" of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, living as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is "Just not True",

21-a.  Initial Answer 1-21 - You say, "When one lives in remembrance of Allah, when
          the breath of the remembrance of al-Haqq is taken within, the illusions of "I am
          great" are burned away"
21-b.  Response 1-21 - In truth, "Your work is to know His work within you, and His
          work within you is all work within you, not your work, or the work of any of the
          Creation of God within you, for in truth, your role, and their role, is "No role",
          including the "Remembrance of Allah" within you

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Additional Responses - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

22. Becoming the Witness of God - not the "witness of you" on the "outside" of you, as you are currently doing, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice of becoming the Witness of "What God is doing" with what is "Within God" within us, or not, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, is your Choice, not God's, that is, the Witness of the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you
23.  The Suffering of The Grave & Qiyamah Within You - will become your fate if you fail to join in partnership with God within you to raise the 5 elemental spirits within you to a good state within you, before you die to the flesh in your current state, returning them to the state of the 5 Angels of God within you, which in truth are the first 5 of the 7 levels of wisdom within you
24.  The Three Most Important Questions Within You - are the Questions that your life, which is you soul, and everything within you, which is the "Stuff of God" within God within you, have been created to answer, if you like, but are the same Three Questions that have been incorrectly answered and established within you, that is, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, using the "outside" of you, rather than correctly joining in partnership with God within you to use what God has placed "within Himself" within you for this purpose, that is, the following Three Questions, "Who am I", and "Where am I", and "What is happening" in my life

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25. Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate? - lets ask this question again, an apple seed germinates not because of any influence of the 5 elements, as many of My Children still mistakenly believe, not because of any influence of the earth, fire, water, air, or ether, but rather because of "Awareness", but rather because of an "Expansion of Consciousness", that is, because the apple seed buried within the earth becomes aware that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary to make the apple tree hidden within it, germinate, grow, and come to maturity, and bear fruit within the earth that it is currently buried within
26.  Because Now You Are Ready - because now each and every one of you is ready, ready to both hear and either accept or reject the "Truth of yourself", and the "Truth of God" within you, that in truth you are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and in this way, you are "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and the "truth of God" within you, that God within you is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and in this way, God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and as such "You are All One".

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                                             - go to Next Page of "Brief Outline"
27. The Journey of "The Nothing" From "The Nothing" - which is the Journey of God from God within us, that is, the Journey of "The Power" to Everything within us, which is "Everything Left Behind" in the last telling of "God's Story" within us, which is Anathi within us, the time of Darkness or "Lack of Understanding" within us, and from Everything to the Essence of Everything, which is Aathi, the time of Light within us, which is the Qutbiyyat of God within us in the "Presence of God" within us, or the Nur Muhammad within us

27-a.  Initial Answer 1-27 - You say, "There is only One and that One is whom we
      call Allah."
27-b. Response 1-27 - In truth, "There is only One, but that One is not only what we
      call Allah, but also everything that we don't call Allah, for all of everything is also
      that One, all of everything in truth is that "One" happening, if we will only let it, if
      we like, for the Choice is ours, not God's, that is, the Choice of whether we let
      "Our Oneness" happen within us, or not, is our Choice, not God's

                                             - go to Previous Page of "Brief Outline"
                                             - go to Next Page of "Brief Outline"
28.  God Is Not Without Fear - because He has "us", and He has the Creation of God,  that God has placed within us, so we would join in partnership with God within us, to end all fear, to end all living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separation from" God within us, which is the true source of all fear, and within that, to end all duality with God within God within us, so in the end, at the end of telling and bringing to Completion "God's Story" within God within us, "No Child Will Be Left Behind", that is, nothing will still be "separate from" God within us

28-a.  Initial Answer 1-28 - You say, "He is without fear because He is without
      separation, and He seeks nothing for Himself."
28-b.  Response 1-28 - In truth, "God is not within fear, because He has "us", that is,
      "us" living within and literally through the Creation of God living within us, and this
      is God's fear, but without "Himself", for God has no "Himself", He has "us" and
      the  Creation of God living within us, but no "Himself", for only "we" have "us", and
      "each other", and the Creation of God, and God as "Himself", all as "separate
      from" us", for God is "One", God sees everything as "One", and so must "We", in
      partnership with God within us, if our life is to become truly successful in our
      lifetime.  Amen

                                             - go to Previous Page of "Brief Outline"
                                             - go to Next Page of "Brief Outline"
Additional Responses - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

29.  The "Oneness of God and True Man" Within Us - and the Story of this "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and the telling and bringing to Completion of this Story, so in the end, "No Child Is Left Behind", is why we and everything within us, including everything within God within us, is here, in this earth world within us
30.  The Significance And Value For Your Life - of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), of Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), of Qadir-BeeBee (Ral.), and of each of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), is the same as the significance and value of God for your life, for in truth, for your age,
"They are All One"

                                            - go to Previous Page of "Brief Outline"
                                             - go to "Longer Outline"
31.  God Is Most Certainly Seeking Something - because "We" are, and what "We" are seeking is God within "Us", that is, God within the Creation of God within "Us", and within that, True Man within God within the Creation of God within "Us", in order to allow God within "Us" to tell and bring to Completion the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within "Us", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within "Us", and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within "Us", and in this way, "Our Work" is to "Join Him" in "His Work" within "Us", by letting Him "Make it So" within "Us", as your work is to "Join Us" in "Our Work" within you, by letting "Us" "Make it So" within you.  Amen

31-a.  Initial Answer 31-1 - You say, "God seeks nothing for Himself"
31-b.  Response 31-1 - In truth, "God does seek something, but "Not Selfishly" as
      "we do" in our current state of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, living as if we
      are "separate from", rather than as "One with" within us". In this way, God seeks
      "Selflessly" for the benefit of "us", which in truth is for the benefit of all of the
      Creation of God within us, for in truth "Who we are" is "What is within us", not
      anything that we currently see in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our
      ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us. That is the difference, My dearest
      loving brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen. Ok?

                                              - go to top of page
                                              - go to "Brief Outline"

"Longer Outline" - of "Response 01"
                                             - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"

Introduction - to "Question and Answer Cycle 01", for Question 01

21. Living In Remembrance of Allah - is what God, and God alone does within us, not something that we do, or can even comprehend doing, while we are still living in our current state, in our current "selfish life" of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, living as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is "Just not True", and is only something that can occur within us, when we have correctly convinced God within us, that is, as "One with" God within us, to "Take up Residence" within us, that is within our very own heart, that is, within the handful of purified earth that God has lovingly and ever so patiently placed within us, in partnership with the earth within us, and realizing, understanding, and accepting this as the "Truth of us", and of "God within us", we have joined with our awakened wisdom, and our liberated soul, to find and merge with God within us, with our soul disappearing into the Light of our wisdom, and with "Us" disappearing into True Prayer within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us. Amen

                                              - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                              - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
21.  Living In Remembrance of Allah (continued)

21-a. Initial Answer 1-21 - You say, "When one lives in remembrance of Allah, when
     the breath of the remembrance of al-Haqq is taken within, the illusions of "I am
     great" are burned away"
21-b.  Response 1-21 - In truth, "Your work is to know His work within you, and His
     work within you is all work within you, not your work, or the work of any of the
     Creation of God within you, for in truth, your role, and their role, is "No role",
     including the "Remembrance of Allah". Think of yourself as a movie script, and
     within this move script you have all of these roles to play, as you and many of My
     Children still falsely believe. For example, you have to play the role of the man or
     the women, as the husband or the wife, as the father or mother, as the brother and
     sister of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, as the Child or Son of Bawa
     Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), but all of
     which is "Just not True". Now take out your pen and edit yourself completely out
     of the script, for in truth you have "No role to play", because in truth, "You do not
     exist".  And learn to say, with each breath, with each look, with each word, with
     each taste, with each thought, as our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving
     brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen has learned to do, the following prayer (see Chapter
     25, "Dhikr or Remembrance of God", in the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom"

     (Bawa)  You are Allah.     
     (Bawa)  There is nothing other than You.   
     (Bawa)  Without You there is no other help (for everything living within me),
                 because "I do not Exist".
     (Bawa)  You are within me.  Be inside my heart.
     (Bawa)  Do not be separated from me. 

                                              - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                              - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
Additional Responses - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

22. Becoming the Witness of God Within You - not the "witness of you" on the "outside" of you, as you are currently doing, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice of becoming the Witness of "What God is doing" with what is "Within God" within us, or not, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, is your Choice, not God's, that is, the Witness of the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you

23. The Suffering of The Grave & Qiyamah Within You - will become your fate if you fail to do this, that is, if you fail to join in partnership with God within you in the correct way, and properly come together in "Our Name" on the "outside" of you, so "We can be there" within you, in order to raise the 5 elemental spirits within you to a good state within you, before you die to the flesh in your current state, that is, returning them to the state of the 5 Angels of God within you, which in truth are the first 5 of the 7 levels of wisdom within you, that is, feeling, awareness, intellect, estimate or judgment, and subtle wisdom, allowing them to again become "One" within you, as they were within Adam (peace be upon Him) within you, before the "spit of satan" and His subsequent "fall from grace" within you, in this way, revealing the 6th level of wisdom within you, the wisdom of the Qutbiyyat of God within you within you

                                              - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                              - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
24.  The Three Most Important Questions Within You - are the Questions that your life, which is you soul, and everything within you, which is the "Stuff of God" within God within you, have been created to answer, if you like, but are the same Three Questions that have been incorrectly answered and established within you, that is, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, using the "outside" of
you, rather than correctly joining in partnership with God within you to use what God has placed "within Himself" within you for this purpose, like His 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God, and His Holy Trinity or Triple Flame, and the "Sound of God", all of which is within "Your Bank" within God within you, which God has prepared within Himself within you in order to answer these Three Questions, that is, to correctly answer the Three Most Important Question Within You, all of which will correctly define you as "One with" within you, rather than as "separate from", but which you have incorrectly answered and established on the "outside" of you, all of which now falsely defines you on the "outside" of you, as "separate from", that is, a set of false answers that are now  leading you to hell within you, to an eternal hell of "separation from" God within you, that is, a set of false answers to the following Three Questions, "Who am I", and "Where am I", and "What is happening" in my life

                                              - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                              - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
25.  Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate? - lets ask this question again, an apple seed germinates not because of any influence of the 5 elements, as many of My Children still mistakenly believe, not because of any influence of the earth, fire, water, air, or ether, but rather because of "Awareness", but rather because of an "Expansion of Consciousness", that is, because the apple seed buried within the earth becomes aware that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary to make the apple tree hidden within it, germinate, grow, and come to maturity, and bear fruit within the earth that it is currently buried within

26.  Because Now You Are Ready - because now each and every one of you is ready, ready to both hear and either accept or reject the "Truth of yourself", and the "Truth of God" within you, that in truth you are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and in this way, you are "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and the "truth of God" within you, that God within you is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and in this way, God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and as such "Your are All One".  That is, the Creation of God within you, the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, God within you, and True Man within God within you, and "you" as the Witness, are "All One", whether you know it or not, and even whether you like or want it or not, because this your true heritage, your true birthright, the true destiny of your soul, for your age, because God has "Made it So" for your age, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's.  What more can God do, the rest is truly up to you, for the "Justice of God" that God has placed within us, dictates the following, that is,

     "Whatever you intend is what you will receive"

                                              - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                              - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
27.  The Journey of the Nothing - from Nothing to Everything, and from Everything to the Essence of Everything, which is the Qutbiyyat of God, the Hub of Creation, or the understanding of Everything within us, the 6th level of wisdom within us, the wisdom surrounding our soul, which "steps forward" when need within us, and if we like, teaches, analyzes, and controls all of the Creation of God within us. And in this way, if we like, if we join as "One with" it against the "Enemy of our soul", liberating the soul and meeting the Essence of God within us, and becomes the Dhat, the Sirr, and the Safat within us, which is the 7th level of wisdom within the 6th level of wisdom, within the first 5 levels of wisdom within us, which is the "Secret World of Allah" within us, and from the Essence of God, which is the understanding of the Nothing, to the Power within the Essence of Everything, or True Prayer, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is", and in this way, meeting the Truth, and from the Truth to True Man within God within the Creation of God within us, Witnessing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within God within True Man within the Creation of True Man, as the understanding of "The Nothing" within the understanding of "The Everything" within the Nothing, allowing God to "Pull us Back Into Himself", from which we have come, as the Nothing returning to the Nothing, but this time with the "Understanding of the Nothing", so it will never leave us again, peacefully and lovingly sharing this understanding with God for eternity

                                             - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                              - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
27.  The Journey of the Nothing (Continued)

27-aInitial Answer 1-27 - You say, "There is only One and that One is whom we
     call Allah."
27-b.  Response 1-27 - In truth, "There is only One, but that One is not only what we
     call Allah, but also everything that we don't call Allah, for all of everything is also
     that One, all of everything in truth is that "One" happening, if we will only let it, if
     we like, for the Choice is ours, not God's, that is, the Choice of whether we let
     "Our Oneness" happens within us, or not, is our Choice, not God's, for that
     "Oneness" is our true birthright, our true heritage, the true destiny of our soul, that
     is, is "The True Given of Us" from God within us, but "We" must want it, having
     come to understand it, that is, having come here to this "School of Contrast"
     within us, to understand it through Contrast, for "understanding only occurs
     through contrast", that is, to both experience it, that is, our "separation from" and
     our "Oneness with", and if we like, in partnership with God within us, to
     understand it, and in this way, to transcend it, to transcend what has grown over
     our original birth and life within us, which is the world of souls within us, that is, to
     transcend our current life of "separate from", both within us, and on the "outside"
     of us", if we like, for the Choice is ours, not God's, and "Everything is just waiting"
     for us to willingly and freely, end "ourselves" in this way"

                                              - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                              - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
28.  God Is Not Without Fear - because He has "us", and the Creation of God that God has placed within us, so we would join in partnership with God within us, to end all fear, to end all living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separation from" God within us, which is the source of our fear, and within that, to end all duality with God within God within us, so in the end, at the end of telling and bringing to Completion "God's Story" within God within us, "No Child Will Be Left Behind", nothing will still be "separate from" God within us

28-a. Initial Answer 1-28 - You say, "He is without fear because He is without
     separation, and He seeks nothing for Himself."
28-b.  Response 1-28 - In truth, "God is not within fear, because He has us, that is,
     "us" living within and literally through the Creation of God living within us, and this
     is God's fear, but without Himself, for God has no "Himself", He has "us" and the
     Creation of God living within us, but no "Himself", for only "we" have "us", and
     "each other", and God, and the Creation of God, all as "separate from" us"

                                              - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                              - go to Next Page of "Longer Outline"
Additional Responses - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

29.  The "Oneness of God and True Man" Within Us - and the Story of this "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and the telling and bringing to Completion this Story, so in the end, "No Child Is Left Behind", is why we and everything within us is here, in this earth world within us
30.  The Significance And Value For Your Life - of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), of Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and of Qadir-BeeBee (Ral.), and of each of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), is the same as the significance and value of God for your life, for in truth, for your age,
"They are All One" within you

                                             - go to Previous Page of "Longer Outline"
                                              - go to "Text of "Response 01"
31. God Is Most Certainly Seeking Something - and that is God, that is God within the Creation of God within us, and True Man within God within the Creation of God within us, and in this way, in order to tell and bring to Completion the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within us, and our work is to "Join Him" in His work, by letting Him "Make it So" within us. Amen

a.  Initial Answer 31-1 - You say, "God seeks nothing for Himself"
b.  Response 31-1 - In truth, "God does seek something, but "Not Selfishly" as "we
     do" in our current state of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, living as if we are
     "separate from", rather than as "One with" within us".  In this way, God seeks
     "Selflessly" for the benefit of "us", which in truth is for the benefit of all of the
     Creation of God within us, for in truth "Who we are" is "What is within us", not
     anything that we currently see in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our
     ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.  That is the difference, My dearest
     loving brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen. Ok?

                                             - go to top of page
Text of "Response 01"

                                             - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
21. Living In Remembrance of Allah - is what God, and God alone does within us, not something that we do, or can even comprehend doing, while we are still living in our current state, in our current "selfish life" of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, living as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is "Just not True", and is only something that can occur within us, when we have correctly convinced God within us, that is, as "One with" God within us, to "Take up Residence" within us, that is within our very own heart, that is, within the handful of purified earth that God has lovingly and ever so patiently placed within us, in partnership with the earth within us, and realizing, understanding, and accepting this as the "Truth of us", and of "God within us", we have joined with our awakened wisdom, and our liberated soul, to find and merge with God within us, with our soul disappearing into the Light of our wisdom, and with "Us" disappearing into True Prayer within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us. Amen

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
a. Initial Answer 1-20 - You say, "When one lives in remembrance of Allah, when the breath of the remembrance of al-Haqq is taken within, the illusions of "I am great" are burned away"
"There is, however, a secret to this snake as well, My children, for when one lives in remembrance of Allah, when the breath of the remembrance of al-Haqq is taken within, the illusions born of "I am great" are burned away, and the snake of poisonous illusion becomes the King Cobra, whose poison becomes the most precious Gem in the Universes, the Jeweled Light of Nur-Allah, which is the Jeweled Light of Maha Gnanam."

"This is the transformation of what appears separate into what is One without separation; it is the completion of the return of Allah's Sirr into its Original Station of Radiant Luminous Wisdom, Nur Muhammad. Then the King Cobra's body becomes the back of the Throne and its hood becomes Its Canopy, as Nur Muhammad sits upon the Throne and takes His rightful place as King Muhammad."

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
b.  Response 1-21 - In truth, "Your work is to know His work within you, and His
work within you is all work within you, not your work, or the work of any of the
Creation of God within you, for in truth, your role, and their role, is "No role",
including the "Remembrance of Allah". Think of yourself as a movie script, and
within this move script you have all of these roles to play, as you and many of My
Children still falsely believe. For example, you have to play the role of the man or
the women, as the husband or the wife, as the father or mother, as the brother and
sister of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, as the Child or Son of Bawa
Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), but all of
which is "Just not True". Now take out your pen and edit yourself completely out
of the script, for in truth you have "No role to play", because in truth, "You do not
exist". And learn to say, with each breath, with each look, with each word, with
each taste, with each thought, as our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving
brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen has learned to do, the following prayer (see Chapter
25, "Dhikr or Remembrance of God", in the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom"

(Bawa) You are Allah.
(Bawa) There is nothing other than You.
(Bawa) Without You there is no other help (for everything living within me),
because "I do not Exist".
(Bawa) You are within me. Be inside my heart.
(Bawa) Do not be separated from me.

Bawa. My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, what you say is not correct, for you have not clearly understood the significance of God within you, and of what God has to do within you, and of what "you" have to do on the "outside" of you, for the remembrance of God to occur within you, all of which can be summarized in the following way.

Bawa. Your work is to know His work within you, and His work within you is all work within you, not the work of any of the Creation of God within you, and this is the difference between what you are saying, and the truth of you, and the truth of God within us, for your role is "No role", including the "Remembrance of Allah" within you"

Bawa.  This is what we meant when we told My Children one day, "In-the-room", which is really the room within your heart, that is, after you have given life to Me within you, and to God within Me, that is, after you have allowed the wisdom surrounding your soul to awaken within you, the following:

"Think of yourself as a movie script, and within this move script your have all of these roles to play (as you and many of My Children still falsely believe. For example, you have to play the role of the man or the women, as the husband or the wife, as the father or mother, as the brother and sister of the Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship, as the Child of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), but all of which is "Just not True"."

     "Now take out your pen and edit yourself completely out of the script, for in truth
     you have "No role to play".

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
Additional Responses - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

22.  Becoming the Witness of God Within You - not the "witness of you" on the "outside" of you, as you are currently doing, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice of becoming the Witness of "What God is doing" with what is "Within God" within us, or not, which is revealing God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, is your Choice, not God's, that is, the Witness of the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you

Bawa. My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, you must realize, without the slightest doubt that you in your current state, that is, you living a life of "separation and differences on the "outside" of you, as if you are "separate from" God within you, have absolutely no role to play in what God is doing within you, if you like, that is, telling and bringing to Completion the "Story" of the "Oneness of God and True Man" that "We" have placed within you, and that "We" will tell and bring to Completion within you, if you will only let us, for in truth you are the "Witness", you are "God's Witness" of the telling and bringing to Completion of this Story within you, if you like, nothing more and nothing less, for in truth you are the "Nothing", that is, the "No-thing" of God, that came from the "No-thing" to Witness and come to understand this "Story", extracting the essence from the Everything, and the "Power or Nothing" from the Essence, and returning to the Power or Nothing from which you have come, sharing this Understanding of Everything, of the Essence, and of the Power, with God for eternity, if you like.

Bawa. For the Choice to do this or not within you, is your Choice, not God's, that is, the Choice to use what God has given to you, has placed within you, in this "selfless way" within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, rather than in your current "selfish" way on the "outside" of you, for the benefit of you, and for some of your brothers and sisters on the "outside" of you, like your wife, and friends and family, is most certainly your Choice, not God's.

Bawa. In this way, your work, and the work of all of My Children", is to put down your illusory script in the illusory world on the "outside" of us, like husband or wife, son or daughter, and friend, or in your case, as the "Son of the Pen", and to take off your illusory costume, for example, in your case, as Rick Hacket, and even as Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, and walk off the state of "your drama", that you currently see in your ignorance, and in your arrogance about your ignorance as existing on the "outside" of you, all of which is "Just not True", and sit in the audience and watch the play, a play that God has put on for our benefit, not His, that is, to sit on God lap while your wisdom teaches you, "What you do not know", not try and teach and impress other people with what you in your ignorance, and in your arrogance, think that you know, all of which in truth, is "Nothing", if you could only see the truth about what you are saying, and writing. Ok?

Bawa. For in truth the only one sitting in the audience watching the play is God within you, for everyone else is busy acting in the play on the same illusory stage, both within them and on the "outside" of them, watching themselves act in their drama, that is, reading the same illusory script and wearing the same illusory costume as you currently are, My dearest loving little brother, all of which is leading you and all of My dearest loving children to hell, that is, to an eternal hell of "separation from" God within them, if they die in their current state.

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
23.  The Suffering of The Grave & Qiyamah Within You - will become your fate if you fail to do this, that is, if you fail to join in partnership with God within you in the correct way, and properly come together in "Our Name" on the "outside" of you, so "We can be there" within you, in order to raise the 5 elemental spirits within you to a good state within you, before you die to the flesh in your current state, that is, returning them to the state of the 5 Angels of God within you, which in truth are the first 5 of the 7 levels of wisdom within you, that is, feeling, awareness, intellect, estimate or judgment, and subtle wisdom, allowing them to again become "One" within you, as they were within Adam (peace be upon Him) within you, before the "spit of satan" and His subsequent "fall from grace" within you, in this way, revealing the 6th level of wisdom within you, the wisdom of the Qutbiyyat of God within you within you

- go to "Text of Topic 23"
Expanded Summary of Topic 23:

Bawa.  My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, you and your wife, and all of My Children, must become clear on the "true consequences" if you continue in your current direction, ignoring all of "Our" attempts to correct you, and again set your life on the "Straight Path" within you, rather than on your current course of arrogance, karma, illusion, and mind and desire, which in truth is quickly leading you to an eternal hell of "separation from" Us" within you, all of which is absolutely unnecessary, that is, if you will only take what is being shared with you at this time, and with Qadir-BeeBee, and with all of My dearest loving Children, which is everyone living in this age, as truly coming from God within the heart of each one of you, to the Children of God for your age, and not just the ramblings of your brother Louie.

Bawa.  For in truth He is now your "Gift from God" for this age, on the "outside" of you, as "We" are within each of you, and He is how each of you can truly cross over this bridge between the world of souls within you, and the hereafter or akhirah within you, as He has, if you like, that is, before you die to the flesh in your current state and get an eternal life as "separate from" Us as your eternal reward. 

Bawa.  It is just this simple, because God has "Make it So" within each of you for this age, and now on the "outside" of you for this age, and "Our Coming" into the world at this time was to establish this Truth both within each of you, and now on the "outside" of you, so you can make "Your Choice", that is, your Choice between either an eternal life as "One with" God within you, or an eternal life as "separate from" God within you, and in truth there is "No Other Choice". 

Bawa.  Please reflect on this a little, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, My dearest loving sister Qadir-BeeBee, and all of My dearest loving brothers and sisters, because it is very, very important.  This is how you do it, by joining in partnership with "Us" within you, and with our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen on the "outside" of you, to learn how to do this correctly, how to make this transition from "separate from" on the "outside" of you, to "One with" within you, as "We have taught Him to do it", over the last 30 years.

Bawa.  In this way, the Suffering of The Grave & Qiyamah Within You will become your fate if you fail to do this, that is, if you fail to join in partnership with God within you in the correct way, and properly come together in "Our Name" on the "outside" of you, so "We can be there" within you, in order to raise the 5 elemental spirits within you to a good state within you, before you die to the flesh in your current state, that is, returning them to the state of the 5 Angels of God within you, which in truth are the first 5 of the 7 levels of wisdom within you, that is, feeling, awareness, intellect, estimate or judgment, and subtle wisdom, allowing them to again become "One" within you, as they were within Adam (peace be upon Him) within you, before the "spit of satan" and His subsequent "fall from grace" within you, in this way, revealing the 6th level of wisdom within you, the wisdom of the Qutbiyyat of God within you within you.

Bawa.  For if you don't correctly do this, then an eternal hell of "separation from" God within you, will most certainly become your eternal reward, that is, if you don't correctly join in partnership with God within you, that is, as "One with" Us within you, as well as join together properly on the "outside" of you, that is, in "Our Name", with "Our Intention".

Bawa.  That is, to come together in the Name of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen and His Children (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), with the intention that the true life within you, your soul life, again become "One with" God within you, before you die to the flesh in your current state, so God can continue to tell and bring to Completion His Story within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, so in the end, that "No Child Be Left Behind".

Bawa.  And to do this, or at least to truly start to do this, with each breath, with each look, with each word, with each taste, and with each thought, before you die the flesh in your current state.

Bawa.  For if you fail to do this now, in your age, if you fail to join in partnership with God within you, and with our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen on the "outside" of you, then you will most certainly meet the 5 elemental spirits or ruhanies in the grave, meeting them without access to anything that you have learned through your mind and desire, including what you have learned from "Us" while we were living with you in the world, for without moving what you have learned through your mind and desire into your heart, by turning it into "Heart's Work" within you, and in this way, by joining with "Us" to literally write it on your heart, than what you have learned will not transcend the grave, and will all become like "writing on water", disappearing as soon as it is written, and will not be of any value to you, or to anyone else.

Bawa.  And in this way, if you fail to do this, you will gradually become in the grave a demon, a jinn, a fairy, or a ghost within you, under the influence of the 5 ruhanies that you will meet in the grave within you, roaming the earth world within you until Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within you, until Qiyamah, where you will then take on 105 million rebirths within you as part of your judgment, ending as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness within you, or feeling, and in this way, with you taking on as part of your judgment an eternal life within you as "separate from" God within you.

Bawa.  And this is the truth of your life, My dearest loving brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, and the truth about where each of My Children are currently heading, if you and they are not wise, that is, if you and they fail to do what "We" have just told you to do.  Please know this now without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly, for this age is very short, and much work needs to be done, before it is over.

Bawa.  But if you do follow this instruction, exactly as it is given, until your last breath, then an eternal life as "One with" God within you will be your eternal reward.  This is all that is now expected of each of My Children.  For this is "Our Promise" for your age.  This is "Our Guarantee" for your age.  It is truly just this simple.  May all of My Children heed this request before it is too late to do so.  Amen.

- go to "Expanded Summary of Topic 23"
Text of Topic 23:

Bawa. My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, there is something you must become clear upon, and that is what will happen to you if you reject all of these beautiful "Words of God's Grace" for your age, for the Children of God for your age, and continue to hold onto all of "your issues" that prevented from doing this "Heart's Work" within you when "We" were with you in the world.

Bawa.  For example, when you do die to the flesh in your current state, you will have to experience the "suffering of the grave" within you , where you will meet for the first time the 5 elemental spirits within you, that are currently hidden from you within you, and do not die within you when the "outside" of you is over, but will first confront God within you, and then at the direction of God within you, next confront you in the grave, and demand to know why you have stopped feeding them.

Bawa. And when you tell them the reason, which is because "now you are dead", they will set about eating you, with you gradually become "One with" them within the earth world within you, with you gradually becoming a demon, a jinn, a fairy, or a ghost, roaming the earth world within you until Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), with this happening to you, with you gradually become "One with" everything that God has discarded within you, if you die to the flesh in your current state, and this fate coming to you, after you die to the flesh in your current state, because of you, because of what you did or failed to do, not because of anything that God within you has done, or failed to do.

Bawa. That is, because all that "We" have given to you for your age, that is, all of the "Gifts of God" for your age, all of the "Words of God" for your age, for the Children of God for your age, all of the "Life and Teaching of God" for your age, for the Children of God for your age, all of the life and teaching of your dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of you, all of the life and teaching of His Children, of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us).

Bawa.  For example, like this beautiful book by the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, that you are current reading, as well as all of the beautiful Spiritual Letters, Spiritual Chats, and other material in the On-line Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Library (www.Bawa.homestead.com) that we have given to you, through our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, that you have, or have not read, will be of no value to you, either now or later in the grave, if you die to the flesh in your current state, in your current state of living a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of you, as if you are "separate from" God within you, all of which is "Just not True".

Bawa.  Because if you die to the flesh in your current state none of what you have accumulated in your mind and desire, will be available to you in the grave, because none of it will transcended death within you, because you did not properly join in partnership with "Us" within you, before you died to the flesh, to do this "Heart's Work" within you, that is, with you joining as "One with" Us within you, to read it, listen to it, and to contemplate upon it, and in this way, to write all that "We" have taught you, onto the "Tablet of your Heart", so it and "We" are truly available to you after you die to the flesh, as our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen has truly done.

Bawa. Please know this now, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, without the slightest doubt, and start to act according, please put down all of the "Craziness" of the current "outside" and inside of you, which you have allowed to grown within you in your ignorance, and in your arrogance about your ignorance, and join in partnership with our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, to "Change Ships" within you, before it is too late to make this "Switch" in your life, that is, to "Jump Ship" as these "Two Ships" pass in the "Night of your life" within you, which is "Right Now", at this very moment, don't wait a second.  Ok?

Bawa.  And do it, because of your faith and trust in God within you, not because of "Us" within you, or because of anything on the "outside" of you, and not because of anything that you have done, or failed to do in your life, but because, and only because of the infinite Mercy and Compassion of God within you, because in truth, God within you has "Made it So" within you, if you like. Ok?

Bawa. So the Choice is yours, not Ours, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, for either you do this "Now", and never look back, so God within you, can then do "Everything Else" necessary within you, to "Make it So" within you, both within you and on the "outside" of you, or an eternal hell of "separation from" God within you will become your lot, will become your eternal reward, with you, after you die to the flesh in your current state, roaming the earth world within you as a demon, a jinn, a fairy, or a ghost within you, until Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within you.

Bawa.  Until Qiyamah within you, with you then taking on as part of your judgment 105 million rebirths within you, ending as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness, or feeling. That is, with you taking on as part of your judgment an eternal life as "separate from" God within you, if you like, for the Choice is most certainly yours, not God's. Amen.

Bawa. At least this something to at least think a little bit about, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen. Yes?

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
24.  The Three Most Important Questions Within You - are the Questions that your life, which is you soul, and everything within you, which is the "Stuff of God" within God within you, have been created to answer, if you like, but are the same Three Questions that have been incorrectly answered and established within you, that is, in your ignorance and in your arrogance about your ignorance, using the "outside" of you, rather than correctly joining in partnership with God within you to use what God has placed "within Himself" within you for this purpose, like His 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God, and His Holy Trinity or Triple Flame, and the "Sound of God", all of which is within "Your Bank" within God within you, which God has prepared within Himself within you in order to answer these Three Questions, that is, to correctly answer the Three Most Important Question Within You, all of which will correctly define you as "One with" within you, rather than as "separate from", but which you have incorrectly answered and established on the "outside" of you, all of which now falsely defines you on the "outside" of you, as "separate from", that is, a set of false answers that are now  leading you to hell within you, to an eternal hell of "separation from" God within you, that is, a set of false answers to the following Three Questions, "Who am I", and "Where am I", and "What is happening" in my life

Bawa. In this way, what you need My dearest loving little brother, is more truthful understanding of "Who you are", of "Where you are", and of "What is happening" in your life, that in truth you are "Of God" within you, and of what is "Within God" within you, and of what "God is doing" with what is "Within God" within you, which is revealing God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you.

Bawa. In this way, you are "Of God" within you, which means that you are "Of God within the Creation of God" within you, and you are "Of True Man within God within the Creation of God" within you, and as such, you are "Of the Creation of God" within you, all of which God has placed within man to tell and bring to Completion the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, if you like, all of which God has placed as an Example on the "outside" of you, as an "outside" Example of what you can most certainly do within you, again if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, that is, the Choice to see your life within you, as "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and as "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God, or not, and to see all of the Examples on the "outside" of you as such, that is, as pointing to the truth within you, or not, is your Choice, not God's. Amen.

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
25.  Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate? - lets ask this question again, an apple seed germinates not because of any influence of the 5 elements, as many of My Children still mistakenly believe, not because of any influence of the earth, fire, water, air, or ether, but rather because of "Awareness", but rather because of an "Expansion of Consciousness", that is, because the apple seed buried within the earth becomes aware that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary to make the apple tree hidden within it, germinate, grow, and come to maturity, and bear fruit within the earth that it is currently buried within

- go to "Text of Topic 25"
Expanded Summary of Topic 25:

Bawa.  My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, and all of My Children, we must clearly understand the Example on the "outside" that God has given to us, to point as the "Finger of God" to what each of us must do within us, before it is too late to do this "Heart's Work" within us.

Bawa.  For example, "Why does an apple seed germinate?", a question we asked you, and all of My Children a few months before we physically left the world.  And the answer that we gave to you is "The Answer" to all of your questions, if you have the heart and wisdom to realize, understand, and accept it. 

Bawa.  That is, an apple seed germinates not because of any influence of the 5 elements, as many of My Children still mistakenly believe, not because of any influence of the earth, fire, water, air, or ether, but rather because of "Awareness", but rather because of an "Expansion of Consciousness", that is, because the apple seed buried within the earth becomes aware that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary to make the apple tree hidden within it, germinate, grow, and come to maturity, and bear fruit within the earth that it is currently buried within

Bawa.  That is why an apple seed, My dearest loving Children, through "Awareness", through an "Expansion of Consciousness", that is, the correct answers to the Three Questions, "Who am I", and "Where am I?", and "What is truly happening" in my life, and this is why, and only why, each of you will germinate, if you like, that is, with you joining in partnership with God within you to allow the "Truth to surrender to the Truth" within you, that is, with you allowing the "Truth of yourself" and the "Truth of God" hidden within you, through your "Awareness", to surrender to each other within you.

Bawa.  That is, through your awareness of the truth about "Who you are", and "Where you are", and about "What is happening to you", all of which naturally emerges from within you, like these beautiful words of wisdom you are now reading, that is, when you are ready, that is, ready to both hear this truth within you, and to either accept or reject it.

Bawa.  For now you are ready, so hear it and Choose, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's, for if you don't Choose then at the end, if you die in your current state, God will Choose for you, and give you an eternal hell of "separation from" God, because a "No Choice" is a Choice, a Choice to continue with "business as usual" on the "outside" of you, to continue trying to live a life of "separation and difference" on the "outside" of you, with you living as if you are "separate from" God within you, all of which is "Just not True".

Bawa.  For not all people, like not all apple seeds, germinate to the truth within them, some rot in the earth, die in the earth, and then become subject to 105 million rebirths, but never again as an apple seed, never again as the Story of the "Oneness of the Apple Tree and Its Fruits" hidden within the apple seed, a Story that the apple seed came to the earth, to join with the earth, to tell.

Bawa.  And in your case, like the apple seed, some of you will also not germinate to the truth within you, some of you will rot in your earth, in your mind and desire, in your arrogance, karma, and illusion, and when you do finally die to the flesh in your current state, like the apple seeds that don't germinate, you will also become subject to 105 million rebirths, but never again as the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, never again as the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" hidden within each of the Children of God for this age, which in truth is each of you living in this age, a Story that you came to this earth world within you, to join as "One with" God within the Creation of God within you, to tell.

- go to "Expanded Summary of Topic 25"
Text of Topic 25:

Bawa. For example, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, one beautiful example on the "outside" of you, that "We" told you about, was contained with the question/answer that "We" conducted "In-the-room" when we asked you, and all of My Children, the following question, right before we physically left the world, a question "We" asked during the Holy Month of Ramadan in 1986,

    "Why does an apple seed germinate?"

Bawa. With "Us" telling you at that time that an apple seed germinates for the following reason, through "Truth Awareness".

"Why Does An Apple Seed Germinate?"

His Holiness Teaches Us:

"An apple seed germinates because it becomes aware that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, it becomes aware that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to germinate, grow, and come to maturity within the earth."

"Then the earth becomes aware that the apple seed is now aware that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to germinate, grow, and come to maturity within the earth."

"And out of this "mutual awareness" the earth surrenders to the apple seed, and the apple seed surrenders to the earth, that is, the "Truth surrenders to the Truth", and the apple seed germinates."

"And this is why an apple seed germinates, because of awareness, an awareness of "Who it is", it is an apple seed, an awareness of "Where it is", it is buried within the earth, and an awareness of "What is happening" to it, it is the "Apple tree happening", and within that, it is the "Apple Fruits" happening, and within that, again the apple seed within the apples, but this time a 1000 fold. Amen."

"And this is why each of you will germinate to the truth within you, that is, when you truly realize, understand, accept, and join with the truth of yourself, and the truth of God hidden within you, that in truth, "Who you are", is the "Seed of God", and "Where you are", is buried within the Creation of God within you, or "Earth of God" within you, and "What is happening" to you, is that "We" in truth are "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and within that, "We" are "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and with that, again the "Seed of God" within the "Fruits of God" is happening within you, but this time a 1000 fold, as the 1000 Generosities of God.

"That is, as the 1000 Generosities of God within you which make the 4 religions within you come to completion within you, with 300 going to the religion of Hinduism within you, which is the section below your waist, with 300 going to the religion of Fire or Zoroastrianism within you, or tour stomach, with 300 going to the religion of Christianity within you, or tour chest, and with 99 going to the religion of Islam within you, or your head".

"In this way, returning the 5 elemental spirits within you, or ruhanies within you, to the state of the 5 Angels (peace be upon Them) within you, or the 5 levels of wisdom within you, all living again as "One with" within you, and in this way, giving rise to the 6th level of wisdom within you, and within that the 7th level of wisdom within you, all of which naturally occurs within you when you join in partnership with God within you to subdue the ego within you, that is, allowing the ego to be subdued by your awakened wisdom within you, by the wisdom surrounding your soul, that is, when your "wisdom reasons over your fate" within you, when the "Lam and the Mim" emerge out of the Alif within you, that is, causing the Nur and the Qutb to emerge out of the Shadow within you."

"That is, for the 24 and the 25th letter to emerge out of the 25 letters within you, out of the 25 of the 28 letters within you, out of the "Mystical For of the Body of Man", and in this way, liberating the soul within you from its cross, as the 26th letter within you, allowing Muhammad to go on Mi'raj within you, as the 27th letter within you, revealing True Prayer within you, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within you, and within that revealing Insan Muhammad within you, as True Man within God within the Creation of God within you, causing the 124 letters of the Suratal Fatihah to become the 128 letters within you, with "you" becoming the Witness of God, of God's Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, and when you do, then in the end, "You will be within it".  Amen".

---- End of ----
Question and Answer
by His Holiness (Ral.)
& Now
by His Children (Ral.)

Bawa. And in this way within you, allowing God to tell and bring to Completion within you the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God (or the earth world or dunya) within you, and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man (or the hereafter or akhirah) within you. Amen.

Bawa. May all the peace, be beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.

Bawa. In this way, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, within the apple seed buried within the earth, God has placed the apple tree, the apple fruits, the sweet taste within the apple fruits, and again the apple seed within the sweet taste within the apple fruits, but this time a 1000 fold, if the apple seed likes.

Bawa. That is, if after realizing this truth of itself, that it is an apple seed buried within the earth, and this truth of the apple tree hidden within it, that the earth contains everything necessary for the apple tree hidden within it to germinate and grow, if after realizing, understanding, accepting, and joining with this truth within it, the apple seed gives us its "separation from" the earth that it is buried within, an earth that it has been actively protecting its self from, through a tiny covering over the apple seed, which is like your mind and desire.

Bawa. And instead if the apple seed lets the "Truth happen", both within it and on the "outside" of itself, and instead becomes the Witness of the Story of the "Oneness of the Apple Tree and Its Apples", letting the current Chapter in this Story called "Apple Seed Buried Within The Earth", that it is experiencing, come to an end, that is, letting the life of the apple seed buried within the earth, living as if it is "separate from" the earth, come to an end, and letting the next Chapter in the Story of the Apple Tree and its Apple, the Chapter called "Apple Tree" begin, then, and only then, the apple seed will become truly successful in its lifetime, and in a similar way, but within us, "So must we".

Bawa. In this way, the apple seed only truly becomes successful in its lifetime after realizing, understanding, accepting, and joining with the truth within it, a truth that naturally emerges from within the apple seed, when it is ready, that is, when it is ready to both hear this truth, and either accept or reject this truth, as you and each of My Children are now read, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen. Ok?

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
26.  Because Now You Are Ready - because now each and every one of you is ready, ready to both hear and either accept or reject the "Truth of yourself", and the "Truth of God" within you, that in truth you are the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and in this way, you are "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and the "truth of God" within you, that God within you is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and in this way, God is "True Man happening" within "God happening" within the Creation of God within you, and as such "You are All One". That is, the Creation of God within you, the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, God within you, and True Man within God within you, and "you" as the Witness, are "All One", whether you know it or not, and even whether you like or want it or not, because this your true heritage, your true birthright, the true destiny of your soul, for your age, because God has "Made it So" for your age, if you like, for the Choice is yours, not God's. What more can God do, the rest is truly up to you, for the
"Justice of God" that God has placed within us, dictates the following, that is,

     "Whatever you intend is what you will receive"

Bawa. And that is why we have now given this beautiful explanation to you, and through you to all of My Children, if you like, and if they like, because now you are all ready to both hear and either accept or reject this truth, because this is why you were born, this is why God sent you here, to make this Choice, because this is now you "Moment of truth" or your "Moment of falsehood", as it is now for all of My Children, and everything that came before this was just for this, was just to prepare you for "This Moment".

Bawa. Because now you are ready, now all of My Children are ready to make this Choice, now everyone living in this age is ready to make this Choice, a Choice between and eternal life as "One with" God within you, or an eternal life as "separate from" God within you, and there is "No other Choice", and all other Choices that you think you may have are not really a Choice, but rather is just the "drama of your life" of "separation and differences", and in truth is a Choice for hell, is a Choice for an eternal life as "separate from" God within you. Ok?

Bawa. Please know this now without the slightest doubt, and please Choose "Oneness with" God, and then "We" will meet again, if not you must spend eternity within you as "separate from" God you, and as "separate from" "Us" within you.

Bawa. And this is why "We" told you to write this book, by the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen, in partnership with our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brothers Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen. Please accept this as now the truth of your life, and the truth of all of your brothers and sisters. That would be very, very good, both for you and for them. Ok?

Bawa. In this way, like for each of you, if the apple seed buried within the earth, realizes, understands, accepts, and joins as "One with" the truth that naturally emerges from within it, then its life will truly become successful in its life time, for everything else that needs to happen is already prepared, and will automatically occur within you, as it automatically occurs within the apple seed.

Bawa. For in truth the truth in this book or letter is now emerging from within each of you, as your own life speaking to you, as "Us" and God within "Us" speaking to you, and is certainly not just the words of one of your dearest loving brother, and as a result, now you have a Choice to make, a Choice which none of you have made up till now, up to this Moment, no matter what each of you may think, because Now is the time, in your reading this material, and This is the Choice, that is, either "Oneness with" or "separation from" God. Ok?

Bawa. And if you truly do make the correct Choice, and join as "One with" Us within you, and with God within Us, and on the "outside" of you, as "One with" our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, which is as God has "Made it So" within each of you, then each of you who do this "Heart's Work" with "Us" both within you and on the "outside" of you, will become like the Example of the apple seed buried within the earth on the "outside" of you, which surrenders to the earth that it is buried within, to destroy itself, and reveal what God has hidden within it.

Bawa. And in this way, and only in this way, after germinating to the truth within itself, and in this way, letting the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within it, the apple seed has truly become successful in its like, but if it fails to do this, and only this, then nothing else that it may do will be of any value, either to itself, or to anyone else, and in the end, after it rots in the earth, and eventually dies in the earth, then just like each of you if we die to the flesh in your current state, it becomes subject to 105 million rebirths, but never again as an apple seed, never again as the Story of the "Oneness of the apple tree and its fruits", which like each of you within "Us", a Story that it came to the earth, to join as "One with" the earth, to tell.

Bawa. In this way, only God can do this "Heart's Work" within you, only God can live in the Remembrance of Allah, not the Creation of God, and certainly not you, or any of My Children, that is, in your current state of living on the "outside" of you, as if you are "separate from" God within you, as if your are "separate from" each other, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God within you, all of which is "Just not True".

Bawa. So what you have written about the "Remembrance of Allah" is just a "figment of your imagination", is just your own mind speaking to you, keeping alive the perception of your "own presence" on the "outside" of you, keeping alive the perception of you writing about something that is completely beyond the instrument you are using, which is your current mind and desire, which is your "estimation, your "imagination", and your "pleasure", rather than the 6 wisdoms that we described in the last section.

Bawa. And all of which is really harmless on their own, but which is also causing you to "Not do" the work that God has truly created you to do, which is to know His work within you, which is "All work" both within you and on the "outside" of you, and realizing, understanding, accepting this, without the slightest doubt, to join in partnership with God within you to "Step back", before you "Say or do or write" anything on the "outside" of you, so God can "Step forward" within you, and tell and bring to Completion His Story within the Creation of God within you. Ok?

Bawa. May all the peace, be beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.

Bawa. My love you (anbu), My dearest loving brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen.

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
27.  The Journey of "The Nothing" From "The Nothing" - which is the Journey of God from God within us, that is, the Journey of "The Power" to Everything within us, which is "Everything Left Behind" in the last telling of "God's Story" within us, which is Anathi within us, the time of Darkness or "Lack of Understanding" within us, and from Everything to the Essence of Everything, which is Aathi, the time of Light within us, which is the Qutbiyyat of God within us in the "Presence of God" within us, or the Nur Muhammad within us, all of which is the Hub of Creation within us, from which the Creation of God takes form within us, from the understanding of Everything within us, which is the World of souls within us, the 6th level of wisdom within us, the wisdom surrounding our soul, which "steps forward" from within us when needed within us, if we like, and if we like, teaches, analyzes, and controls all of the Creation of God within us, preparing Everything within us, which is what was "Left Behind" within us, to return to God within us, if we like, but this time with the understand of "Us" within us, so "We" will never leave "Us" again, if we like

- go to "Text of Topic 27"
Expanded Summary of Topic 27:

Bawa.  My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, we must truly come to understand the Journey that "We" are all really on, a Journey from God to God as God, for the benefit of God, and as God's Witness, for in truth "There is Nothing Other Than God", in truth "Only God Exists", and in truth "God is One".  Ok?

Bawa.  All of which in truth is the "Journey of the Nothing", of the No-thing through Everything, through the Essence of Everything, through the Essence of God, returning as it came, to the Nothing, to the No-thing, from which "We" have all come, so "We" will never leave "Us" again, returning with the understanding that will truly prevent any of "Us" from leaving "Us" again.

Bawa.  All of which in truth is the "Journey of the Nothing" from "The Nothing", which is the Journey of God from God within us, that is, the Journey of "The Power" to Everything within us, which is "Everything Left Behind" in the last telling of "God's Story" within us, which is Anathi within us, the time of Darkness or "Lack of Understanding" within us, and from Everything to the Essence of Everything, which is Aathi, the time of Light within us, which is the Qutbiyyat of God within us in the "Presence of God" within us, or the Nur Muhammad within us, all of which is the Hub of Creation within us, from which the Creation of God takes form within us, from the understanding of Everything within us, which is the World of souls within us, the 6th level of wisdom within us, the wisdom surrounding our soul, which "steps forward" from within us when needed within us, if we like, and if we like, teaches, analyzes, and controls all of the Creation of God within us, preparing Everything within us, which is what was "Left Behind" within us, to return to God within us, if we like, but this time with the understand of "Us" within us, so "We" will never leave "Us" again, if we like

Bawa.  And in this way, "Moving Forward" the "Story of God" within us, if we like, if we join as "One with" our awakened wisdom within us, against the "Enemy of our soul" within us, liberating the soul and meeting the Essence of God within us, becoming the Dhat, the Sirr, and the Safat within us, which is the 7th level of wisdom within the 6th level of wisdom within the first 5 levels of wisdom within us, within the "Secret World of Allah" within us, and from the Essence of God within us, which is the understanding of the Nothing or "The Power" within us, to the Power within the Essence of Everything within us, or True Prayer within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us.

Bawa.  And in this way, meeting the Truth within us, letting the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within us, and from the Truth to True Man within God within the Creation of God within us, Witnessing the "Oneness of God and True Man" within God within True Man within the Creation of True Man within us, which is akhirah or the hereafter within us, within this earth world or dunya within us, as the understanding of "The Nothing" or "The Power" within the understanding of "The Everything" within the Nothing or "The Power" within us, allowing God to "Pull Us All Back Into Himself", from which "We" have all come, as the Nothing returning to the Nothing, but this time with the "Understanding of the Nothing", this time with "No Child Left Behind" within us, so none of "Us" will ever leave "Us" again, with all of "Us" peacefully and lovingly sharing this understanding with God within us for eternity.  Amen

- go to "Expanded Summary of Topic 27"
Text of Topic 27:

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
27-a.  Initial Answer 1-27 - You say, "There is only One and that One is whom we
     call Allah."

     "My Sons, heart of your Father's Heart, Jeweled-Light of My Eye, there is only
     One and that One is whom we call Allah."

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
27-b.  Response 1-27 - In truth, "There is only One, but that One is not only what we
     call Allah, but also everything that we don't call Allah, for all of everything is also
     that One, all of everything in truth is that "One" happening, if we will only let it, if
     we like, for the Choice is ours, not God's, that is, the Choice of whether we let
     "Our Oneness" happens within us, or not, is our Choice, not God's, for that
     "Oneness" is our true birthright, our true heritage, the true destiny of our soul, that
     is, is "The True Given of Us" from God within us, but "We" must want it, having
     come to understand it, that is, having come here to this "School of Contrast"
     within us, to understand it through Contrast, for "understanding only occurs
     through contrast", that is, to both experience it, that is, our "separation from" and
     our "Oneness with", and if we like, in partnership with God within us, to
     understand it, and in this way, to transcend it, to transcend what has grown over
     our original birth and life within us, which is the world of souls within us, that is, to
     transcend our current life of "separate from", both within us, and on the "outside"
     of us", if we like, for the Choice is ours, not God's, and "Everything is just waiting"
     for us to willingly and freely, end "ourselves" in this way"

Bawa. My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, in truth, everything of Creation has three aspects, not just one, as you imply, that is, the "Power within the Essence of Everything", or the Dhat, the Sirr, and the Safat, or the Shadow, the Light, and the Power, so that which we call not One, that is, which we call not Allah, is that aspect of it which is not yet One, is not yet Allah, but is still Allah, for in truth it, like each of us, is still "All Three", that is, it is Allah, the Light of Allah, and the Shadow.

Bawa.  That is, until it awakens to itself, joining with Allah as the Three within the Shadow to transcend the Shadow, to become the Three within the Shadow, and again joining with Allah as the One within the Three to transcend the Three within the Shadow, to become the One within the Three, and in this way, establishing "True Prayer" within, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within, and through that "True Prayer" destroying Everything that has "Manifested" within, other than "The One", and in this way, becoming the "One within the One", as the Secret, and with that, becoming the "One", as the Mystery.

Bawa. And in this way, always correctly joining with Allah for your current state, like the Disciple joining with the Shaikh, and the Shaikh Joining with the Guru, and the Guru joining with Allah, to becoming Allah, and in this way, always joining with Allah to reveal the Light of Allah within your current state, which is what you, and all of My Children, have yet to do, first awakening the wisdom surrounding your soul with the Light of your Shaikh, revealing the Shaikh within you, then joining with the Shaikh within you against the "Enemy of your soul" within you, which in truth is "you", is you living a life of "separation and differences" on the "outside", as if you are "separate from" God within you, all of which is "Just Not True", which is closing down the world of hell, the world of jinns, and the world of fairies within you, which in truth is the current 3 sections you have opened within you, which is the section of false creation below your waist, the section of false destruction which is your stomach, and the section of false life which is your chest.

Bawa. That is, the three sections within us, which current "define us", that falsely define for us, "Who we are?", and "Where we are?", and "What is happening" to us on the "outside" of us, that falsely define us as "separate from" on the "outside" of us, a life of darkness and evil that we have allowed to grow within us, in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our ignorance, and that now rule over us as the 9 openings of our elemental body, with God's Permission, that is, until we "See God and Steady God" within us, allowing God to then "Cure Himself of us", if we like, of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is "Just Not True".

Bawa. That is, the drama that was revealed within us, as the 36 potentialities within us, when God revealed the 3 hidden elements of water, fire, and air, within the earth, in this way, transforming the 33 potentialities of the Creation of God within us into the 36 potentialities of man within us, which in or ignorance and in our arrogance about our ignorance we have allow to grow within us, and which we are now currently experiencing, also in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our ignorance, as our current life of "separation and differences" or "drama" on the "outside" of us, a drama that "separate us" from each other on the "outside" of us.

Bawa. That is, the three sections within us of earth joined with water, and earth joined with fire, and earth joined with air, and your mind and desire which reflect them, which is your current head, all of which must be closed down by your 6th level of wisdom, or the awakened wisdom surrounding your soul, which in truth is the Guardian of your soul, of the "Truth of you", which is the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, and the "Truth of God" within you, which is the "Seed of True Man" hidden within the "Seed of God" buried within the Creation of God within you, which is the "Truth that must surrender to the Truth", allowing God to tell and bring to Completion the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, if your life is to become truly successful in your life time.

Bawa. And then you must join in partnership with God within you to re-open the world of souls within you, and within that open the kingdom of God within you, and in this way, gradually in partnership with Allah within you, reduced Allah's separation from Allah within you, for in truth there is "Nothing outside of you, Everything is always within you", and there is "Nothing other than Allah" within you, and "Only Allah exists" within you, and "Allah is One" within you, with "you" as the Witness of Allah, experiencing and then understanding the "Degrees of Separation from Allah", that Allah has placed within you, and within each of My Children, if they like, as you become "One with" Allah within you, with Allah becoming at each Step, in each of your current stages, in each of your "Degree of Separation", what is need to remove another "Degree of Separation", and reveal another "Level of One With".

Bawa.  For example, as the Light of awakening, the Light of Iman within the Light of awakening, the Light of the Three within the Light of Iman, the Light of the One within the Three, the Light of the "Oneness of God and True Man", and if we like, the Power within the Essence of Everything, and the Everything within "The Power within the Essence of Everything", all reflecting varying stages of awakening within us, and if we do, then "We will be within it", as the Witness, as the "Nothing falling back into the Nothing", but this time with an understanding of the "Nothing" so it will never leave us again. Ok?

Bawa. My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, it is true that there is only One, but that One is not only what we call Allah, but also everything that we don't call Allah, for all of everything is also that One, because in truth,

     1)  There is nothing on the "outside" of us, "Everything is within us".
     2)  "There is nothing other than Allah" within us.
    3)  "Only God exists" within us.
    4)  "God is One" within us.

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
28.  God Is Not Without Fear - because He has "us", and the Creation of God that God has placed within us, so we would join in partnership with God within us, to end all fear, to end all living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separation from" God within us, which is the source of our fear, and within that, to end all duality with God within God within us, so in the end, at the end of telling and bringing to Completion "God's Story" within God within us, "No Child Will Be Left Behind", nothing will still be "separate from" God within us

28-a.  Initial Answer 1-28 - You say, "He is without fear because He is without separation, and He seeks nothing for Himself."

     "He is without fear because He is without separation, and He seeks nothing for

     "Yet because there is only One, in Truth, we may also say that fear arises within
     Him in the form of the illusion of creation's separation."

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
28-b.  Response 1-28 - In truth, "God is not within fear, because He has "us", that is,
     "us" living within and literally through the Creation of God living within us, and this
     is God's fear, but without "Himself", for God has no "Himself", He has "us" and the
     Creation of God living within us, but no "Himself", for only "we" have "us", and
     "each other", and the Creation of God, and God as "Himself", all as "separate
     from" us", for God is "One", God sees everything as "One", and so must "We", in
     partnership with God within us, if our life is to become truly successful in our
     lifetime.  Amen

Bawa. My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, this is a very important question, "Is God with or without fear", because it gets at the very heart of "Who God is", and of "Who we are", and of "Our relationship" with God, either as "One with" God in some way, like two sides of the same, of the "One Coin", or as "separate from" God in some way, like the "sperm and the ovum", but yet interdependent, joining together to produce something else, and disappearing into the Created, only to appear again to do the same work, again apparently separate, but in truth "One",

Bawa.  And in truth it is always both, and an infinite number of other analogies, all of which reflect the One, like facets of a gem, but added together do not make up the gem, for only the gem is the gem, not its facets, and so it is with God, with Man, and with the Creation of God, and with "us", as its Witness, we are "All One", we are always, "One with", no matter what, that is, no matter what may appear to be happening, all of which is more a reflection of our state, of our "Level or degree of separation from", from God within us, and from "Ourselves", within God within us, and from the "One", than what is happening, for in truth what is always happening, is what God is doing within us, and what "We in truth" are doing within what "God is doing" within us, that is, what God is doing, and what True Man is doing, at a particular point in "God's Story" within the Creation of God within us, and in our "True Man's Story" within "God's Story", and in "God's Story" within "True Man's Story", which in truth is the same and One Story, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us. 

Bawa.  And in this way, and always in this way, God is not within fear, because He has "us", that is "us" within the Creation of God living within us, and this is God's Fear, but without Himself, for God has no "Himself", He has "us" and the Creation of God within us, for only "we", in our current state, have "us", and the Creation of God as "separate from" us."

Bawa.  And in this way, it is "we" who have a fear that is connected to "us", and in this way, "God's fear" is "us, not "Him", this is the difference, as God has "suffering", but His suffering is "us", not "His", and the same applies to everything that "we" have, God also has it, as "us", as "ours", not as His, and in this way, "we" have "us", not God, and God has "us", not God.

Bawa.  This is the difference between "us" and God within us, and that is why we have told you My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen,

     "Man is God in the forgetting of himself."

Bawa.  And in this way, this is the correct goal of our life, to become Him within "us", but without "Himself", for this is God's Love, not to just become "Him" without "us", as some of My Children still mistakenly believe, that is, to mistakenly believe that God is God's love, but it is not True, for it is "we" who are God's love, for without "us" God would have no love, just as an apple tree without its branches and leaves would have no fruit.

Bawa.  For the apple tree's love is each of its branches, leaves, and apples, with the tree bending down in "Full Fruit", even touching the ground, as a reflection of its Love, as Bawa bend down in "Full Fruit, even repeatedly touching death, as a reflection of His Love, which is each of His Children, and as such, so must we, that is, if our life is to become truly successful in our lifetime.

Bawa.  As is the life of His Holiness, of our dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of us, as is the life of His Children, of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), if we like, which is each of us living in this age, if we like, that is, if the true intention for the life within us, for our soul life, is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state, and get an eternal hell of "separation from" God within us, as our eternal reward, again becoming "One with" God within us, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness", so it will never leave us again. Amen

Bawa. In this way, My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, God is not without fear, as you say, because He has us, and because He has placed all of His Creation within us, and until we allow the Qutbiyyat of Allah within us, that is, the wisdom surrounding our soul within us to awaken from His dream within us, then we will continue to live a life of fear within His dream within us, and God will continue to have "us" as "His fear" within Him within us, because in His dream we have become "One with" all of the Creation of God within us, and "One with" all of their qualities, including their fear, because in truth we are the "Nothing", the "No-thing".

Bawa.  Because in truth we are the "No-thing" of God that has come to His Everything, to return with an understanding of Everything, and of the Nothing within His Everything, that is, within His dream within us, within His dream of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is "Just Not True".

Bawa. And in this way, we are within the Creation of God within God within us, and the Creation of God is within us, and God is within the Creation of God within us, and as such, "We are All One", and in this way, what "we" have, and what the Creation of God has, God also has, but not in our state, or in the state of the Creation of God within us, which is as "separate from", for in truth God "Sees it all as Him, sees it all as One", God sees it all as "Who He is", and "Where He is", and as "What is happening", that is, as "What He is doing with what is "Within Him" within us", and "So must We".

Bawa.  Since in truth, "There is nothing other than God" within us, with God within us sees it all as His Story, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, a Story that God has Created within us, and for us, and within and for all of the Creation of God that God placed within us, in order to tell that Story within us, and God has created man, and man alone, to bring that Story to Completion, within God within the Creation of God within us, as the Story of True Man within the Story of God, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within us. Ok?

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
Additional Responses - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)

29.  The "Oneness of God and True Man" Within Us - and the Story of this "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and the telling and bringing to Completion of this Story, so in the end, "No Child Is Left Behind", is why we and everything within us, including everything within God within us, is here, in this earth world within us

Bawa. This is the wisdom point that My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, and all of My Children, are still missing, this "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, and how everything else is truly serving this, and only this, that is, how everything is serving what God started within us, and within everything within us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you.

Bawa. And in this way, allowing God to both tell and bring to Completion this Story within you, within each of you, this Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, which is this earth world or dunya within us, and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within you, which is the next world or hereafter or akhirah within the earth world or dunya within us.

Bawa. All of which you, if you like, and through you, all of My Children, if they like, must now realize, understand, and accept, if you are to become truly successful in your lifetime, that is, to accept this as the Truth of their life, or at least truly start to accept it, in partnership with God within you, before you die to the flesh in your current state, and then join with our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen to allow God within you to then "Make it So" within you, that is, if you like, for the Choice to do this or not with your life, is your Choice, not God's, for only then, if you truly Choose to do this with your life, will your life become truly successful in your lifetime. Ok?

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
30.  The Significance And Value For Your Life - of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), of Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), of Qadir-BeeBee (Ral.), and of each of the
Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), is the same as the significance and value of God for your life, for in truth, for your age, "They are All One"

Bawa. My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, and all of My dearest loving Children, now "We" need to explain to you the true significance for your life of our dearest loving Son, and your loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, and of our dearest little brother, and your dearest loving brother, Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.), and of all of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us). This is something you must become clear on, if you are to truly move forward on the "Path of God", which is the "Way of the Lord", the "Straight Path" of God within you, which in truth is the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, that you have come here, to this earth world or dunya within you, to both know and to understand, that is, to experience and to transcend.

Bawa. First, unlike the Creation of God within God within you, and the Creation of God within you, God has also placed around your soul His Qutbiyyat, His 6th level of wisdom, which analyzes, teaches, and controls all of the Creation of God within you, and it is this that we must awaken within us, and become "One with", or at least truly start to, in partnership with God within us, before we die to the flesh in our current state and an eternal hell of "separation from" God within us, becomes our eternal reward within us, all of which in truth is our wisdom, and God within wisdom, that is, if your life is to truly become God's vehicle for telling and bringing to Completion His Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within you. Amen.

Bawa. All of which is exactly what our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen has truly allow God to start to do within Him, and all of which our dearest loving little brother, and your dearest loving brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, and a few other of My Children, are ready to do, if they will just make the final adjustment that Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen has done, which is what "We" told all of you to always do, and to always remember, right before we physically left the world, which was,

     "Don't Forget Me, Don't Forget Me, Don't Forget Me".

Bawa. For most of you, with a few exceptions have gone back to your previous ways, back to all of the "Stuff" that you did before we came to you in the world, and tried to "Set you on the Straight Path", that is to make "your life end" on the "outside" of you, so "Our life could begin again" within you, begin again within you, as it was before you,

     "Came to this earth world, Forgot God, and fell into many a trap, not knowing to
     "seek yourself" within yourself, although God exists within man."

Bawa. And in this way, as we teach you in the beautiful Chapter on the "Six Faces", that is, in Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", in the beautiful book of wisdom, "The Pearl of Wisdom",

    "You have forgotten your determination to die, in order to see your true Father."

Bawa. So instead of doing what "We" sent you here to do, you have decided to live here, rather than complete "Our Purpose" for sending you here, and then leave, and "Our Purpose" for sending you here is so you can join in partnership with God within you, that is, to understand what is separating you from each other, and "separating you" from the Creation of God within you, and "separating you" from God within you, and then to leave, leave this "School of Contrast" that we have sent you to, within you, which is the true significance of the earth world within you, that you are currently experiencing in your ignorance, and in your arrogance as "outside" of you, and "Move onto" the Next of God's Schools within you, which is the "School of Light" within you, where God will personally, and ever so lovingly teach you about God.

Bawa. In this way, our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen has done this, and is now available to each of you, to "Do the Same", if you like, allowing this Chapter in God's Story within each of you, known as the dunya within each of you, to come to an end within each of you, and the next Chapter in God's Story within you, known as akhirah or the hereafter or the next world within each of you, to begin within each of you, and in this way, allowing Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) to begin, both within you and on the "outside" of you, for all of My Children, before you die to the flesh in your current state. Ok?

Bawa. That is, allowing each of My Children to decide where and how you will spend eternity or akhirah within you, either as "One with" God within you, or as "separate from" God within you, and in truth there is no other Choice, for everything else that some of My Children still believe, like going to another new "outside" of us, after we die to the current "outside" of us, but without all of the things that we don't like in the current "outside" of us, is "Just Not True", and when you die to the flesh in your current state, and with this belief, you will be very disappointed, for in truth, as "We" have told you repeatedly, when "We" were within you in the world,

    "Hell is simply a realization that you have "separated yourself" from God within

Bawa. And in this way, all of your illusory heavens will gradually become your hell, when you begin to realize what you have done with your life, with the beautiful Gifts that God has placed within you, that in truth, if you die to the flesh in your current state, all that you have done with you life is "separate yourself" from God within you, from the truth of you, and the truth of God within you, from the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, from the Story that you have come to this earth world within you, to join as "One with" God within the Creation of God within you, to tell.

Bawa. In this way, through the grace of God within the life of our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) is now coming to each of My Children, before you die to the flesh, through the infinite Mercy and Compassion of God within you, which in truth is everyone living in the world, as a 100 year judgment period at the end of the dunya, and at the beginning of akhirah, a 100 year judgment period that we are now 31 years into.

Bawa.  A 100 year judgment period which truly started in 1975, when our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen put up the "Light Box" at the Fellowship in Philadelphia, USA, and when Guru Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) became Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), a 100 year judgment period that ends in 2075, leaving only 69 more years to go, that is, to make and solidify your Choice, for then the "outside" of all of us is over, that is, the "outside" for all of us ends, and akhirah within all of us begins.

Bawa. And in truth, the only question left for your age, is "How will you spend eternity?" Either as "One with" God within you, or as "separate from" God within you.

Bawa. And this is the truth for all of you, because God has "Made it So" for your age, and this is the purpose of "Our" coming into the earth world at this time, and for the life and teaching of God for your age, that is, for the "Word of God" for your age, for the Children of God for your age, which "We" started to give to you before "We" left the world, sort of like "priming the pump", for what you are about to receive, which is the life and teaching of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), which is just starting with the life and teaching that you are now reading, that is, of our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen.

Bawa. For in truth this is what each of My Children was created by God within "Us" to do, that is, to become the "Word of God" for your age, for the Children of God for your age, as the "Word of God made flesh" for your age, if you like, for the Choice to use your life in this way, or not, is your Choice, not God's, a Choice which our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen as truly accepted as His life, and most certainly "So can each of you". It is just this simple.

Bawa. This is why "We" came into the world, to "Prime the pump" for the life and teaching of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), and make this transition possible, all of which "We" have now done, and now, the "Ball is in your court", that is, it is up to each of My Children, which in truth is everyone living in the world today, to first truly make this Choice correctly for themselves, that is, to truly Choose an eternal life as "One with" God within them, and then, and only then, to offer this Choice, in the name of your Shaikh, of Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, and of God within Him, to everyone else, if they like, and that is truly it.

Bawa. So even though you, and the rest of My Children did not do this while "We" were with you in the world, you can still do it, if you like, if you will only accept our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen as such for your life.

Bawa. For as "We" have told you, and have told all of My Children, when "We" were with you in the world, that unless your Shaikh accepts you God cannot accept you, and in this way, if you do not accept our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, as that for your life, then you do not accept "Us", and God within "Us", and it is just this simple, and an eternal hell of "separation from" God within you will become your lot, not because of anything that "We" did or did not do, or that God within "Us" did or did not do, but because of your ignorance, and of your arrogance about your ignorance, like the clouds covering the light of the sun and moon, and then, "What to do?", for that is your Choice.

Bawa.  For as each of "Our Children" come to maturity within "Us", it is this, and this alone that we truly have "To give to you", as our "Gift to you" for your age, to "Pull you up" to the "Next level of consciousness" within you, and our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen is just that, as what we have now given each of you for this purpose, that is, as how you are accepted by God within you before akhirah begins.

Bawa.  And in this way, the Choice is yours, not God's, the Choice to accept Him or not, as now the True Shaikh of God for your age, allowing Him to both accept you in God's Name, and if you like, bring you to "Our Feet", or at least truly start to do this within you, before you die to the flesh in your current state, and an eternal hell of "separation from" God within you becomes your eternal reward.

Bawa.  And doing this within you before 2075, when this 100 year judgment period is over, and the "outside" of all of you quickly comes to an end, then no matter what you do, you will have to face both the "suffering of the grave" within you, and Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), after you do finally die to the flesh, for then an eternal hell of "separation from" God within you, will most certainly become your lot, and this is most certainly the truth. Amen.

Bawa. In this way, God has placed everything that He has Created, including each one of you, within each one of you, and if just one of you makes this transition from "separate from" to "One with", before you die to the flesh, as our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen has done, then all of you can, if you like, that is, if you will only accept each of you as such, that is, as the life within your own life, as "your own life speaking to you", and in this way, allowing God to tell and bring to Completion His Story within the Creation of God within us, and within that to tell and bring to Completion the Story of True Man within the Story of God, for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within us.

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
31.  God Is Most Certainly Seeking Something - because "We" are, and what "We" are seeking is God within "Us", that is, God within the Creation of God within "Us", and within that, True Man within God within the Creation of God within "Us", in order to allow God within "Us" to tell and bring to Completion the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within "Us", for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within "Us", and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within the Creation of God within "Us", and in this way, "Our Work" is to "Join Him" in "His Work" within "Us", by letting Him "Make it So" within "Us", as your work is to "Join Us" in "Our Work" within you, by letting "Us" "Make it So" within you.  Amen

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
31-a.  Initial Answer 31-1 - You say, "God seeks nothing for Himself"

    "He is without fear because He is without separation and He seeks nothing for

                                              - go to "Brief Outline"
                                              - go to "Longer Outline"
31-b.  Response 31-1 - In truth, "God does seek something, but "Not Selfishly" as
     "we do" in our current state of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, living as if we
     are "separate from", rather than as "One with" within us". In this way, God seeks
     "Selflessly" for the benefit of "us", which in truth is for the benefit of all of the
     Creation of God within us, for in truth "Who we are" is "What is within us", not
     anything that we currently see in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our
     ignorance as existing on the "outside" of us.  That is the difference, My dearest
     loving brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen. Ok?

Bawa.  My dearest loving little brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, you must realize without the slightest doubt that God most certainly does seek something, and that is "us", but as you say, "Not Selfishly" as "we do", but rather "Selflessly" as "Returning "Himself to Himself" within us, that is, returning to Himself Everything that came from Him, so in the end, that is, after God has told and brought to Completion His Story within us, there will be Nothing still "separate from" Him within Him, that is, in the end, there will be "No Child Left Behind" within Him, within "Us" have fallen back into Him, for only then will our life become truly successful.  Amen.

Bawa.  This is how we must live, "Selflessly", both within us and on the "outside" of us, not in our current state, not in our current state of "selfishness" on the "outside" of us, living as if we are "separate from", rather than as "One with" within us, which is our true heritage, our true birthright, the true destiny of our soul, that is, with "us" instead living as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is
Just Not True".

Bawa.  Please think about these wisdom points a little, My dearest loving brother Asma'el Muhaiyaddeen, and join with our dearest loving Son, and your dearest loving brother Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen to let "Us" teach you about them further, so you too can truly become "Our Son", for it is still not too late for you to make this transition in your life, from "selfishness to selflessness", from "your own presence" on the "outside" of you, to "God's Presence" within "Us" within you.  For other than this, there is no way to reach and merge with God.  Amen.

End of "Page 5 of 6", For
"Response 01",  For
"Initial Answer 01", For
"Q & A" Cycle 01, For
- Question 01 -
"What is the secret
In the fear of God"
- In The Book -
"A Book of Our Love"

(for Question 01)
(for "A Book of Our Love")

This page was last updated on: June 20, 2006